Jean-Bernard Fourtillan: Er sagt, Corona wurde im Labor erzeugt: Mut-Professor wieder eingesperrt / Le professeur Fourtillan, figure des Covid-sceptiques, placé en détention provisoire / Covid-sceptic Professor Fourtillan remanded in custody

Jean-Bernard Fourtillan: Er sagt, Corona wurde im Labor erzeugt: Mut-Professor wieder eingesperrt Le professeur Fourtillan, figure des Covid-sceptiques, placé en détention provisoire Covid-sceptic Professor Fourtillan remanded in custody Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan has once again been arrested.  He has already once before been put in a psychiatric hospital so he is again in great danger. The […]

Dr Bhakdi: America is going to become a living hell because of these vaccines / Dr Bhakdi : L’Amérique va devenir un enfer à cause de ces vaccins / Dr. Bhakdi: Amerika wird zu einer lebenden Hölle wegen dieser Impfstoffe werden

Dr Bhakdi: America is going to become a living hell because of these vaccines Dr Bhakdi : Les États-Unis vont devenir un enfer à cause de ces vaccins Dr. Bhakdi: Amerika wird zu einer lebenden Hölle wegen dieser Impfstoffe werden In this video, the usually calm Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is becoming very strident, in […]

Pope is promoting Great Reset and NWO / Le pape promeut la grande réinitialisation et le NOM / Papst wirbt für Great Reset und Neue Weltordnung

Background By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations… a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of survival. One world government is inevitable. ― Karl Wojtyla, aka Pope John Paul II In 2012, Ervin Laszlo and friends penned the […]

Update: Should UN staff take a Covid vaccine? / Le personnel de l’ONU devraient-ils se faire vacciner avec un vaccin Covid? / Sollten sich UN-Mitarbeiter gegen Covid impfen lassen?

Should UN staff and other international civil servants take a Covid vaccine? Le personnel de l’ONU et les autres fonctionnaires internationaux devraient-ils se faire vacciner avec un vaccin Covid ? Sollten sich UN-Mitarbeiter und andere internationale Beamte gegen Covid impfen lassen? I am recirculating my letter to UN medical insurer Allianz because, although I have […]

Ahora también en español: Los médicos están cometiendo un crimen contra la humanidad / Physicians are engaging in a crime against humanity / Les médecins – un crime contre l’humanité / Ärzte – Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit

Estimado Prof. Dr. Alojz Ihan, Con el fin de evitar consecuencias legales respecto a las personas que no hayan sido debidamente informadas antes de vacunarse contra el Covid-19, se ruega informar al Presidente y a los miembros de la Cámara de Médicos del documento adjunto.  Solicito a la Cámara Médica que publique mi artículo […]

The Final, Irrefutable Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic Never Existed / La preuve définitive et irréfutable que la pandémie de Covid-19 n’a jamais existé / Der endgültige, unwiderlegbare Beweis, dass die Covid-19-Pandemie nie existierte

The Final, Irrefutable Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic Never Existed Text: Video:   I am tired of the lies and misconceptions that have been spread about covid-19 during the last twelve months. I’ve lost count of the number of ways that politicians and journalists have attempted to mislead the public. One of the […]

Physicians are engaging in a crime against humanity / Les médecins se livrent à un crime contre l’humanité / Ärzte sind an einem Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit beteiligt

Slovenian doctor: “Mandatory or conditional involuntary vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 cannot under any circumstances be ethical or legal, and the involvement of physicians in involuntary intervention, treatment and/or vaccination is prosecuted under international law. … Violation of the Declaration of Helsinki is a serious crime under international law and constitutes a crime against humanity, punishable ex officio […]

Message from Prof Fourtillan quoting Attali on the need for genocide / Message du Prof Fourtillan citant Attali sur la nécessité d’un génocide / Nachricht von Prof. Fourtillan mit einem Zitat von Attali über die Notwendigkeit eines Völkermords

Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan has once again been arrested and risks being sent again to a psychiatric hospital. He is appearing before the judge today.  Here is his latest message, quoting from Jacques Attali, who is Jewish and was a close friend of President François Mitterrand and a mentor to President Macron, who is also Jewish.  […]

President Magufuli of Tanzania: La mort étrange de celui qui avait défié l’OMS / Public health mafia eliminating opposition? Magufuli is not the first! / Die Gesundheitsmafia eliminiert die Opposition? Magufuli ist nicht der Erste!

Video: Amazing Polly: Public health mafia eliminating opposition? Magufuli is not the first! Amazing Polly:: La mort étrange de celui qui avait défié l’OMS Amazing Polly does her usual fine job of research and connects a lot of important dots, but she does not make it clear that in the case of the sudden and […]