Vaxxenated people in Vienna collapsing because they’re hungry and thirsty! / Les personnes vaccinées à Vienne s’effondrent parce qu’elles ont faim et soif ! / Nach Impfung kollabieren bis zu 50 Menschen am Tag: Stadt Wien rät, mehr zu essen und zu trinken!

WHO Chief Must Leave After Scathing Audit, Says AIDS Healthcare Foundation / Le chef de l’OMS doit partir après un audit cinglant, selon la Fondation AIDS Healthcare / WHO-Chef muss nach vernichtender Prüfung gehen, sagt die AIDS Healthcare Foundation

WHO Chief Must Leave After Scathing Audit, Says AIDS Healthcare FoundationLe chef de l’OMS doit partir après un audit cinglant, selon la Fondation AIDS HealthcareWHO-Chef muss nach vernichtender Prüfung gehen, sagt die AIDS Healthcare Foundation A recent independent financial audit of the World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed “an increasing trend of cases of misconduct, especially […]

Article: On the legality of a mandatory Covid vaccination / Sur la licéité d’une obligation vaccinale anti-covid

If you no longer wish to receive information about the Stop 5G campaign from this source, just click “Reply” and say so. Thanks! Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d’informations de cette source sur la campagne Stop 5G, cliquez simplement sur “Répondre” et me le dire. Merci! Wenn Sie keine Informationen mehr über die Stop […]

CSAPE* ICC Complaint Against French Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity / Covid : plainte déposée contre la France devant la Cour pénale internationale pour crime contre l’humanité / CSAPE* ICC-Beschwerde gegen französische Staatsführer wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit

If you no longer wish to receive information about the Stop 5G campaign from this source, just click “Reply” and say so. Thanks! Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d’informations de cette source sur la campagne Stop 5G, cliquez simplement sur “Répondre” et me le dire. Merci! Wenn Sie keine Informationen mehr über die Stop […]

Pet RFID scanner detects serial number on a Covid-vaxxenated woman / Un scanner à puce d’animaux détecte un numéro de série sur une vaccinée Covid / RFID-Scanner für Tiere erkennt Seriennummer auf einer Covid-geimpften Frau

Pet RFID scanner detects serial number on a Covid-vaxxenated woman Un scanner à puce d’animaux détecte un numéro de série sur une vaccinée Covid RFID-Scanner für Tiere erkennt Seriennummer auf einer Covid-geimpften Frau The Home Again Pocket Reader is a Microchip Identification System. Permanent identification comes from a tiny microchip that’s quickly and safely […]

UPDATE : AGGIORNAMENTO: TRADUZIONE ITALIANA DEL VIDEO ORA DISPONIBILE : La COVID-19 est causé par l’oxyde de graphène introduit par plusieurs voies dans le corps / COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways into the body / Dringende Ankündigung: COVID-19 wird durch Graphenoxid verursacht, das auf verschiedenen Wegen in den Körper gelangt

COMUNICATO URGENTE DELLA QUINTA COLONNA (VERSIONE ITALIANA) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Thursday, July 1st, 2021 at 12:57, Stop5GAppeal <; wrote: COMUNICADO URGENTE DE LA QUINTA COLUMNA (VERSIÓN FRANCÉS): ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 at 00:26, Stop5GAppeal <; wrote: COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways into […]

UPDATE : AGGIORNAMENTO: TRADUZIONE ITALIANA DEL VIDEO ORA DISPONIBILE : La COVID-19 est causé par l’oxyde de graphène introduit par plusieurs voies dans le corps / COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways into the body / Dringende Ankündigung: COVID-19 wird durch Graphenoxid verursacht, das auf verschiedenen Wegen in den Körper gelangt

COMUNICATO URGENTE DELLA QUINTA COLONNA (VERSIONE ITALIANA) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Thursday, July 1st, 2021 at 12:57, Stop5GAppeal <; wrote: COMUNICADO URGENTE DE LA QUINTA COLUMNA (VERSIÓN FRANCÉS): ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 at 00:26, Stop5GAppeal <; wrote: COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways into […]

The Plan (1930) – How to take over the world (old cartoon warning) (2 mins)

The Plan (1930) – How to take over the world (old cartoon warning – 2 mins.): If you no longer wish to receive information about the Stop 5G campaign from this source, just click “Reply” and say so. Thanks! Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d’informations de cette source sur la campagne Stop 5G, cliquez […]

UPDATE : TRADUCTION FRANÇAISE DE LA VIDÉO MAINTENANT DISPONIBLE : La COVID-19 est causé par l’oxyde de graphène introduit par plusieurs voies dans le corps / COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways into the body / Dringende Ankündigung: COVID-19 wird durch Graphenoxid verursacht, das auf verschiedenen Wegen in den Körper gelangt

COMUNICADO URGENTE DE LA QUINTA COLUMNA (VERSIÓN FRANCÉS): ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 at 00:26, Stop5GAppeal <; wrote: COVID-19 is caused by graphene oxide introduced by several ways into the body Today, La Quinta Columna made an urgent announcement that they hope will affect as many people as possible, […]

FURTHER UPDATE: Warmongering British Actions in the Black Sea / Actions bellicistes des Britanniques en Mer Noire / Kriegstreiberische britische Aktionen im Schwarzen Meer

FURTHER UPDATE More excellent information from The Saker on this incident: “This all makes for a very dangerous brew. Especially since the Russians clearly and sincerely believe that they cannot back down any further. I therefore conclude that a future military incident, with the use of fire in anger, and possibly resulting in a real war, remains […]