China virus outbreak & A Hidden Hybrid Pathogen Could Erase Humanity


Healing mantra:

Om Apadamapa Hartaram Dataram Sarva Samapadam Loka Bhi Ramam, Shri Ramam
Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham (om ap-pah-dah-mah-pah hah-tah-rahm dah-tah-rahm
sahr-vah sahm-pah-dahm loh-kah bhee rahm-ahm shree rah-mahm boo-yoh
boo-yoh nah-mahm-yah-ham) “Om. O most compassionate Rama. Please send
your healing energy right here to the Earth, to the Earth (twice for
emphasis). Salutations.”




Message to the World: Ceremonial Elders Offer Instructions on How to
Evolve Out of Our Current Situation:…
Beautiful message about how we need to change to a more loving and
respectful world.




LINK BETWEEN ELECTRICITY AND FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History
of Electricity and Life (8 languages):
to all 8 languages)
Excellent analysis: Pepe Eascobar: Ground Control to Planet Lockdown:
This is Only a Test
As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual
weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a fierce debate is raging worldwide on
the wisdom of mass quarantine applied to entire cities, states and nations.
Those against it argue Planet Lockdown not only is not stopping the
spread of Covid-19 but also has landed the global economy into a
cryogenic state – with unforeseen, dire consequences. Thus quarantine
should apply essentially to the population with the greatest risk of
death: the elderly.
With Planet Lockdown transfixed by heart-breaking reports from the
Covid-19 frontline, there’s no question this is an incendiary assertion.
In parallel, a total corporate media takeover is implying that if the
numbers do not substantially go down, Planet Lockdown – an euphemism for
house arrest – remains, indefinitely.  …

We’re at war with COVID-19 | General Mark Milley | The Globe | 2020


COVID1984 With Whitney Webb:


For the green zealots, Covid-19 is our penance for sins against the

‘Green zealots want to turn the global catastrophe of Covid-19 into fuel
for their alarmist extinction narrative. By blaming humanity’s impact on
the planet for the outbreak, they hope to mobilize support for their
cause. …


Pandemic Opportunity: It’s Time For A Global Green New Deal:

The United Nations is at the heart of the Green New Deal and is also
controlling the global pandemic through the World Health Organization.
It’s no surprise that Greens are trying to leverage their cause at the
same time.

The UN has sworn to destroy Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and the
coronavirus is doing exactly that. The UN’s plan has always been to
replace the economic system with Sustainable Development, aka
Technocracy. ⁃TN Editor

A burgeoning chorus of climate campaigners and experts is urging
political leaders to learn from how governments handle the coronavirus
outbreak and, as the pandemic subsides, to seize the opportunity to both
revive the world’s economy and battle the climate emergency by
implementing a global Green New Deal

As the number of global COVID-19 cases soared
 past 200,000
and the death toll topped 8,700 on Wednesday, governments scrambled to
continue managing the public health and economic crises while many
offices, restaurants, schools, stores, and transportation services
around the world remained shut down. …


UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories
(Ah, they’re TRUE then):

Broadcasters warned they face sanctions if they give airtime to false
Covid-19 health advice


The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19 Hysteria:

People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is fighting
it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and financial system
while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions of people? The story
behind the story will make it clear that things are seldom as they seem.

In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development, aka
Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then panicked into
destroying itself over COVID-19.

The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson, PhD
is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself as a
“global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable Development
and more dedicated to social causes than academic achievement. In fact,
Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist research reports on climate
change, carbon reduction, environmental degradation, loss of
biodiversity, etc.

The problem with the global warming meme is that it is a tired, worn-out
racehorse that much of the world simply ignores. Global warming
alarmists have tried every trick in the book to stampede the world into
Sustainable Development. They have knowingly falsified climate data,
flooded the world with inaccurate academic reports, held world meetings
like the Paris Accord in France, threatened and bullied their critics,
created a global youth movement to shame leaders into action, etc. All
of these strategies have failed to usher in the UN’s Sustainable
Development, aka Technocracy, and show little promise of success in the
future. …



‘Covid 19’ And 5G – What’s The Connection? The David Icke Dot Connector

 ________________* *

Jon Rappoport: major Coronavirus announcement to my readers*:

Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio presentations about
COVID-19.They are available at the following link: click here:

With the cooperation of and Catherine Austin Fitts, we’re
making these presentations available to you, and to people around the world.





Readers have been asking how they can help. Listen to the presentation,
send out the link to others.

Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every passing
day.As always, thank you for your support!


* *________________

Israel Debates “Total Suspension Of Individual Freedom” In Knesset Intel
this where we’re all headed? Will the “Israeli model” soon be the
reality across the West amid the coronavirus pandemic?

After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced last Saturday
that authorities will tap the country’s ‘counter-terror’ technology and
systems to combat the “invisible enemy” of Covid-19, Israeli media is
now reporting the government is actually considering the /*“total
suspension of individual freedom”*/ /— /as a new /Haaretz/ headline

Israel’s public health services chief is now urging just that: Sigal
Sadetsky told the Knesset Subcommittee on Intelligence and Secret
Services this week that
<> *“A
lockdown and personal monitoring of people, and a total halt to personal
freedoms”* is urgently necessary. …


Lockdown: Locking in the New Global Order*:

The authors said that pesticides have catastrophic impacts on the
environment, human health and society as a whole, including an estimated
200,000 deaths a year from acute poisoning. They concluded that it is
time to create a global process to transition toward safer and healthier
food and agricultural production.

At the time, Elver said that, in order to tackle this issue, the power
of the corporations must be addressed.

While there is currently much talk of the coronavirus placing immense
strain on the NHS, Mason highlights that the health service is already
creaking and that due to weakened immune systems brought about by the
contaminated food we eat, any new virus could spell disaster for public

But do we see a ‘lockdown’ on the activities of the global agrochemical
conglomerates? Not at all. As Mason has highlighted in her numerous
reports, we see governments and public health bodies working hand in
glove with the agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals manufacturers to ensure
‘business as usual’.


John Whitehead: The Attack on Civil Liberties in the Age of COVID-19*:

In an exclusive for MintPress, constitutional attorney John Whitehead
warns that the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to bring the American Police
State out into the open on a scale we’ve not seen before.

You can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis,
legitimate or manufactured.

This coronavirus pandemic is no exception.

Not only are the federal and state governments unraveling the
constitutional fabric of the nation with lockdown mandates that are
sending the economy into a tailspin and wreaking havoc with our
liberties, but they are also rendering the citizenry fully dependent on
the government for financial handouts, medical intervention, protection
and sustenance.

Unless we find some way to rein in the government’s power grabs, the
fall-out will be epic.

Everything I have warned about for years—government overreach, invasive
surveillance, martial law, abuse of powers, militarized police,
weaponized technology used to track and control the citizenry, and so
on—has coalesced into this present moment.

The government’s shameless exploitation of past national emergencies for
its own nefarious purposes pales in comparison to what is presently

Deploying the same strategy it used with 9/11 to acquire greater powers
under the USA Patriot Act, the police state—a.k.a. the shadow
government, a.k.a. the Deep State—has been anticipating this moment for
years, quietly assembling a wish list of lockdown powers that could be
trotted out and approved at a moment’s notice.

It should surprise no one, then, that the Trump Administration has asked
Congress to allow it to suspend parts of the Constitution whenever it
deems it necessary during this coronavirus pandemic and “other” emergencies.

It’s that “other” emergencies part that should particularly give you
pause, if not spur you to immediate action (by action, I mean a loud and
vocal, apolitical, nonpartisan outcry and sustained, apolitical,
nonpartisan resistance).

In fact, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been quietly trotting out
and testing a long laundry list of terrifying powers that override the
Constitution. …


Digital Vaccine Certificates after Continued Lockdown: Plans for
Post-Coronavirus World:

It is truly scary how quickly things are moving. This is a race against
time to see how many people can wake up to the agenda to enslave them.
Please share this far and wide.

All this would be dystopian and horrific enough were it not for the
added layer of the *human microchipping agenda*. Gates said he wants
vaccine certificates, and although there could also be a plan for actual
print certificates (“your papers, please”), Gates was clear that he
meant digital vaccine certificates. This is in line with his outspoken
ID2020 agenda
which claims it wants to benevolently provide everyone with a digital
identity but which is really a cover for inserting nanochips into
everyone. If we allow that, we will have entered full-blown
transhumanistic tyranny, will have sacrificed our bodily sovereignty and
will have become nodes on the IoT Smart Grid
<>, at
the whim of the NWO controllers who will be able to do all sorts of
things to remotely influence and control us via the broadcasting of
frequencies to the chips embedded in us. Once we allow the State to have
the right to forcibly inject things into our body against our will, it’s
going to be, in short, game over.


COVID-19 Plunges Eurozone Into Crisis With European Currency on Verge of

The coronavirus pandemic is now challenging the core European taboo
under the European Treaty, the issuance of eurobonds, but as the
situation becomes increasingly dramatic, EU member states are feeling
the need for the strongest of medicine to get over the looming
coronavirus-induced economic crisis. …


Europe’s mortality rate from all causes lower than previous years amid
‘Covid-19 catastrophe’ – same story in the UK where hospital emergency
visits are also the same as last year.

Covid19 yet to impact Europe’s overall mortalityYear-to-date statistics
show excess mortality lower than previous years:…

‘The official figures for 24 countries across Europe show, not only that
overall mortality is not increasing, but – so far – it is actually well
below recent averages.
The statistics were gathered by the European Monitoring of Excess
Mortality for Public Health Action
<> (EuroMOMO), an
international partnership of agencies from 24 European nations aiming to
promote preparedness for public health emergencies.
They track “excess mortality”, meaning the number of officially recorded
deaths vs the average death rate.

We recommend you check their website, where each country is broken down
by age demographics. Today, we’re focusing on theirmaps
<>. …

Here is the map showing Europe’s excess mortality for Week 12 of 2020
(19th-25th March):

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For some context, maybe we should compare it to previous years.

Here is week 6 of 2019: 

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This was the height of the huge 2017/18 flu season. As you can see,
Europe was greatly affected.

We didn’t have a global lockdown in 2018.

Week 2 of 2017 was even worse:

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The whole of Western Europe experienced a huge spike in excess
mortality, especially bad in all the Mediterranean countries.

We didn’t have a global lockdown in 2017.

Obviously, things may change (week 13’s results are due tomorrow), but –
as it stands – the 2020 figures are substantially lower than the
previous three years.

So, the question is, if we didn’t have a lockdown in 2017, and we didn’t
have a lockdown in 2018, and we didn’t have a lockdown in 2019….why do
we have a lockdown now?


President of Belarus: COVID Wildly Exaggerated, ‘World Is Going Nuts’,
Keeps Country Operating As Normal, Advises Drinking Vodka:

The only “dictator” in Europe also the only leader not rushing to crack
down on his people’s freedoms on (social) media’s whim

Lukashenko asked about coronavirus: “It is better to die on your feet
than to live on your knees.”

How refreshing. A leader who will actually lead and isn’t a poodle
addicted to kneeling before everything, including a glorified cold.

And how ironic, supposedly “Europe’s last dictator” but when the push
comes to shove he’s the only one on the entire continent refusing to
take advantage of the hysteria to crack down on his people’s freedoms …


Almost one million small firms will run out of cash in a month, report

Nearly a million small firms could run out of cash within the next four
weeks as they struggle to access the Government’s widely criticised
emergency coronavirus loans support, research has warned.

A report by The Corporate Finance Network of accountants predicts that
almost a fifth – 18% – of Britain’s five million small businesses will
not be able to survive the next month despite the taxpayer-backed loan

This could see nearly four million staff lose their jobs in May, it
cautioned, adding that as many as 42% of small firms could go bust if
the lockdown lasts for four months or more.

The findings have heaped more pressure on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to
overhaul his taxpayer-backed emergency loans scheme for hard-hit
businesses amid fears it is failing to offer the support needed.

The Treasury insisted on Wednesday that “hundreds” of loans had already
been issued through the scheme. …


EXCLUSIVE: Morgue the size of two football pitches is being built in
east London to hold thousands of coronavirus victims from NHS
Nightingale as Britain’s death toll surges by 563 to 2,352:

·       Mortuary is being developed on land close to the City of London

·       It is expected to take the dead from the Nightingale Hospital at
the ExCel Centre

·       The grim news of the development was relayed to local residents
in letters


Man jailed for visiting hospital with no good reason after Facebook
boasts (showing it to be empty is not a ‘good reason’):

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Why the coronavirus pandemic may fast-forward 5G adoption in the US:

* The coronavirus outbreak and the rise in remote work has advanced
the need for more robust 5G technologies in the U.S.
* Verizon issued a press release on Wednesday stating the demands on
bandwidth increased 75% over the previous week.
* The FCC and federal government are trying to accelerate deployment
in urban and rural areas.
* The global pandemic has forced a supply chain slowdown that may
delay further expansion of 5G.

In March 2020 everything that could be moved online already has, from
elementary schools to college classes
from entire company workforces toshareholder meetings
Whole cities have emptied under the coronavirus threat as businesses
tell employees to work from home,  students are sent indoors to learn
online and every type of entertainment— from restaurants and sporting
venues to movie theaters — shutters, forcing people to stay home and
rely on their home broadband networks to interact with the outside world.
This switch-over is unprecedented, which begs the question: Can our
current networks handle the strain?
Moreover, is the coronavirus outbreak
<> and the “social distancing″ required
to mitigate the spread going to become the business case for more
advanced and robust 5G technologies for a future in which business,
health care and human interaction must be at more than an arm’s length?

The jury is still out on whether home broadband, which tends to have
lower capacity than more robust business networks, will be able to
handle the traffic as whole neighborhoods become Wi-Fi hotbeds as adults
video conference with their co-workers and their teens stream videos in
between checking Blackboard for assignments. Providers, including AT&T
<>, Verizon
<>, and Comcast
<>, are facing a test of
whether they’ll be able to handle the increased demand.

Jessica Rosenworcel, an FCC member, said the influx of people working
from home is a test for the current networks. “We’re going to have a big
stress test on our networks,” she said. “There are a lot of potential
points of stress.” The FCC has given the carriers access to additional
bandwidth for the next 60 days to handle the additional users. (T-Mobile
is so far the only carrier to take the FCC up on its offer to use
spectrum in the 600 MHz Band to help meet increased consumer demand for
broadband during the coronavirus pandemic.) …


Lee Ryan ‘won’t apologise’ as he claims 5G is linked to coronavirus:


UK Minister Gove warns 5G-coronavirus conspiracy theory is ‘dangerous

“Absolute rubbish” they say!


Fiddling The Figures – The Magic Trick – David Icke ‘Virus’ Update:


#Corona: The Collapse of the System (Ernst Wolff):


No proof coronavirus can be spread while shopping, says leading German

Initial findings suggest virus may be less easily transmitted than thought


‘In this lockdown, dissent is a moral duty’ – Peter Hitchens (UK

Peter Hitchens, one of the most outspoken opponents of the coronavirus
lockdown, joins /spiked/’s editor for the latest episode of /The Brendan
O’Neill Show/. They discuss the rush to shut down democracy, dissent and
the economy in response to Covid-19.


This doctor explains “that is EMF radiation”:


There are more stars spreading so called fake news, they no see we were
right all the way.

Lee Ryan ‘won’t apologise’ as he claims 5G is linked to coronavirus


Rome: found hundreds of dead birds on the ground

February 5, 2020

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An event that is quite unusual and disturbing occurred in Rome yesterday

during the afternoon.In fact, near Viale del Policlinico some trees have
been knocked down like skittles by the strong wind that was blowing over
the capital.On the site of the accident, have flocked to the Firemen who
gathered in front of the eyes of this gruesome scene.

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Hundreds of birds, some dying, others dead stecchiti to the ground they
have covered the road surface.The agents are also enabled to alert the
competent bodies, that moved in to the recovery of the animals that are
still alive.Here’s a video shot yesterday, documenting the unusual
behavior of thousands of birds in the sky of Rome.


Imperial College Clearly Linked To US Pandemic Response:

Leading disease forecasters, whose research the White House used to
conclude that 100,000 to 240,000 people will die nationwide from the
coronavirus, were mystified when they saw the administration’s
projection this week.

The experts said they don’t challenge the numbers’ validity but said
they don’t know how the White House arrived at them.

White House officials have refused to explain how they generated the
figure – a death toll bigger than the United States suffered in the
Vietnam War or the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. They have not
provided the underlying data so others can assess its reliability, and
have not provided long-term strategies to lower that death count.

Some of President Trump’s top advisers have expressed doubts about the
estimate, according to three White House officials who spoke on the
condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak
publicly. There have been fierce debates inside the White House about
its accuracy.

At a task force meeting this week, according to two officials with
direct knowledge of it, Anthony Fauci, director of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told others that there are
too many variables at play in the pandemic to make the models reliable:
“I’ve looked at all the models. I’ve spent a lot of time on the models.
They don’t tell you anything. You can’t really rely upon models.” …


Coronavirus: Boris Johnson urged to reconsider lockdown strategy by
virus adviser:

Boris Johnson’s key adviser on the coronavirus pandemic has urged the
prime minister to find a way of ending the nationwide lockdown,
according to a report.

Graham Medley, an expert in the spread of infectious diseases, suggested
the government had “painted itself into a corner” by imposing widespread
restrictions on movement that he claims may cause more damage than the
epidemic itself.

He suggested the potential harm caused by the restrictions included
economic damage. “I don’t mean to the economy generally, I mean to the
incomes of people who rely on a continuous stream of money and their
children, particularly the school closure aspect,” he told The Times.

“There will also be actual harms in terms of mental health, in terms of
domestic violence and child abuse, and in terms of food poverty.”

He argued that the UK may still have to reconsider the herd immunity
strategy to “allow people to catch the virus in the least deadly way
possible”, the newspaper claimed.


Hundreds of Journalists Are Being Labelled Non-Essential, Laid Off or
Given Reduced Salaries (turkeys so stupid they created Christmas):


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SpaceX’s Starship SN3 prototype rocket CRUMPLES like a tin can as it
fails latest test (Oh, no, I feel so bad for Elon Musk):


Prepare for the mother of all s**t storms if Sweden pulls this off:
If Sweden, which has not locked down its economy and society, emerges
with a death toll from COVID-19 that is somewhere in the middle of the
pack of European countries, there is going to be a lot of recrimination,
particularly against those who have tried to silence any discussion
about the true extent of the threat that COVID-19 actually poses
In a word: Sweden. What happens if they pull this off? What happens if
it turns out that we could have coped with COVID-19 without collapsing
entire sectors of the economy putting millions on the dole, and imposing
some of the most draconian restrictions on civil liberties in living
memory?Sweden has not closed the bars. Shopping malls are open. Schools
and companies are open too. There are some restrictions such as on
gatherings of over 500 people. But, in comparison with most European
countries, life in Sweden is relatively normal.Right now, Sweden’s death
rate from coronavirus is 33 per million of the population
<>. In France it is 83. In
Italy it is 230. In Britain it is 43. In the Netherlands it is 78.



BILL GATES ‘You Can’t Travel Without a VACCINE CERTIFICATE 2 Esdras

The Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation: No vaccination = no work:
No one has the research to vaccines against corona virus is active,
encouraged and financed as Bill Gates and the /Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation/. To develop the sponsorship of a Simulation of a global
Coronavirus pandemic, a few weeks before the announcement of Wuhan
outbreak, to the financing of many efforts of enterprises, a new type of
vaccine for the apparently novel Virus that is Gates present. What does
that mean actually?
We have to admit that Bill Gates is at least a Prophet. He has for years
claimed that a global killer pandemic will come and that we are not
prepared for it. 18. March 2015 held Gates in Vancouver for a /TED/-talk
about the epidemics.
On this day he wrote in his Blog: “I just held a short presentation
about a topic I’ve learned a lot lately – epidemics. The Ebola outbreak
in West Africa is a tragedy – as I write this, more than the death of
10,000 people.” (Holy Corona help! Around us is raging, the last battle
for the future of humanity (Videos) <>).
Gates added: “as terrible As this epidemic was, the next one could be
much worse. The world is just not ready with an illness – for example, a
particularly virulent flu, which infected a large number of people very
quickly. Of all the things, the 10 million people or more could kill is,
by Far, the most likely an epidemic
In the same year, in 2015, wrote Bill Gates in an article for the /New
England Journal of Medicine/with the title of /The Next Epidemic:
Lessons from Ebola/ (he next epidemic: Lessons from Ebola). There, he
spoke of a special class of drugs, in the case of “patient a number of
specific RNA-receive-based constructs, with which you can certain
proteins (including antibodies) can produce.
Although this is a very new area, he is promising, because it is
possible that a safe therapy developed fairly rapidly and on a large
scale could be made.
More basic research as well as the progress of companies
like /Moderna/ , and /CureVac/ could this approach ultimately to be a
key instrument for the containment of epidemics
<> do.” /Moderna/ and/CureVac/ today
received both funding from the Gates Foundation and run the race to the
development of an approved COVID-19 vaccine on mRNA-base (From invisible
Impf-ink-Tattoos why France is a tested Corona-Virus remedies hidden and
Bill Gates mass vaccination will <>).
*2017 and the establishment of CEPI*
A global flu pandemic is something that Gates and his well-endowed
Foundation for years to have prepared. During the Davos world economic
forum initiated the Gates of 2017, together with the governments of
Norway, India, Japan and Germany together with the British /Wellcome
Trust/ , the so-called /CEPI/, the coalition for innovation to prepare
for epidemics (The earth is located in the largest cleansing process of
your history (Videos) <>).
Its stated goal is “the development of vaccines to accelerate, we need
to outbreaks of future epidemics
<> curb”. He
noted at the time that “a promising area of research for the development
of vaccines is to use advances in genomics, the DNA and RNA of disease
to map pathogens and the production of vaccines.” We will come back to it.
*Event 201*
In 2019, Bill Gates and the Foundation were with their pandemic
scenarios at full speed. He made a /Netflix/Video, a scary imaginary
scenario was. The Video, which is part of the series /Explained/ , it
turned a fish market in China, the living and the dead, animals are
stacked, and a highly deadly Virus breaks out, the worldwide common.
Gates appears in the Video as the expert and warns: “If you think of
something that could kill millions of people, a pandemic is our greatest
risk.” He said that if nothing is being done to better to the pandemic,
to prepare, would come the time in the world to look back and would wish
to have more in potential vaccines to be invested. It was weeks before
the world of bats and a fish market in Wuhan (China
In October 2019, has the Gates Foundation together with the world
economic forum and the /Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/ , a
so-called “fictitious” Simulation of a scenario carried out on the some
of the world’s leading personalities of the public health system are
involved. It was /Event 201/ called.
As your Website described, simulated /Event 201 /an “outbreak of a novel
zoonotic Coronavirus from bats to pigs and then to humans, eventually
efficiently from Person-to-Person transferable and to a severe pandemic
leads. The pathogen and the disease it causes, are largely based on
SARS, but it is in the environment of human communities transferable, in
the case of mild symptoms
In The Scenario /Event 201/ the disease has its origin in a pig farm in
Brazil, spreads in low-income regions, and finally explodes into an
epidemic. The disease will travel by flight to Portugal, in the USA, to
China and beyond, to transfer, to the point that no country can control
it. The scenario envisages that in the first year, there is no possible
vaccine is available. “Because in the first months of the pandemic, the
entire human population is vulnerable to an increase in the cumulative
number of cases exponentially and doubles every week.”
The scenario ends after 18 months, if the fictional Coronavirus has
caused 65 million deaths. “The pandemic is slowed down due to the
diminishing number of vulnerable people. The pandemic will persist to
some extent until there is an effective vaccine, or up to 80-90% of the
world’s population in contact with it are come.”
*Event 201-Players*
So interesting the fictional scenario of anticipatory Gates-Johns
Hopkins-/Event 201/ in October 2019 may be, the list of participants in
the discussion, to participate in the imaginary global reaction have
been invited to, is just as interesting.
Under the selected “actors” as they were called, was George Fu Gao. In
particular, Prof. Gao is since 2017, the Director of the Chinese center
for control and prevention of diseases. His specialization includes the
study of the Transmission of influenza virus-Interspecies (host jump).He
is also interested in viral ecology, especially the relationship between
the influenza virus and migratory birds or live poultry markets, and the
Ecology and molecular biology
<> of
bat viruses.” Of bat derived virus ecology…
Prof. Gao was recorded among others by the former Deputy CIA Director
during the Obama term of office, Avril Haines, in the discussion
forum. She was also assistant to President Obama and Deputy national
security Advisor.
Another actor in the Gates event was rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd,
Director of the office for Preparedness and response in the field of
public health care in the centres for the control and prevention of
diseases (/CDC/). The same /CDC/ is located in the center of a great
scandal, because in the United States no sufficient functioning Tests
for COVID-19-cases are available. Their willingness was anything other
than commendable.
Adrian Thomas, Vice President of /Johnson & Johnson/, the giant medical
and pharmaceutical company, rounded out the group. Thomas is at /J &
J/ for the preparation for pandemics, including developing vaccines
against Ebola, Dengue fever and HIV. And there was Martin Knuchel, head
for crisis, emergency & usiness continuity Management for the /Lufthansa
Group Airlines/. /Lufthansa /was one of the largest airlines, while the
COVID-19-pandemic crisis, the flights drastically reduced.
All of this shows that Bill Gates has had a remarkable concern for the
possibility of a global pandemic outbreak, of which he said that he
could still be greater than the alleged deaths due to the mysterious
Spanish flu from 1918, and has warned since at least five years or
longer in front of it. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was funding
the development of new vaccines involved, using the latest /CRISPR/gene
editing and other technologies.
*The Coronavirus Vaccines*
The money the Gates Foundation to support vaccine development on every
Front. /Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc/ from Pennsylvania, it received 9
million dollars from the Gates-supported /CEPI/ /(Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations)/, the vaccine INO-4800 to develop, in April in
a suspiciously quick time period people tested for. In addition, the
Gates Foundation, the organization straight an additional 5 million US
dollars for the development of a proprietary smart device for the
intradermal administration of the new vaccine
<> is
made available.
In addition, Fund of funds, the Gates Foundation, through /CEPI/ , the
development of a radically new vaccine method, the MessengerRNA, or mRNA
is known.
You are helping to Finance the Biotech company /Moderna Inc. /Cambridge
(Massachusetts) for the development of a vaccine against the novel
Coronavirus is from Wuhan, which is now called SARS-CoV-2. The other
Partner of /the Moderna/ is the US-American /National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)/, part of the /National
Institutes of Health (NIH)/. The head of the /NIAID/ , Dr. Anthony
Fauci, the Person in the center of the Virus-the emergency plan of the
Trump Administration. What is remarkable about this
Fauci-Gates-vaccine /mRNA 1273/ of /Moderna/against the Coronavirus,
that he was introduced in a few weeks, and not years, and on
24. February directly to Faucis /NIH/ went, to Tests on human Guinea
pigs, and not, as usual, in mice.
The chief medical consultant of /Moderna/, Tal Zaks, argued: “I do not
believe that the evidence in one animal study it on the critical path of
a clinical trial
<> would
Another remarkable confession of /Moderna/ on its site is the legal
disclaimer: “Special note about forward-looking statements: … To these
risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others: … the
fact that it was never a commercial product with the mRNA of technology
has given the for use was admitted
<>.” In
other words: completely untested for human health and safety.
Another Biotech company, the time when the mRNA technology to the
development of a vaccine for COVID-19 works is the German
company /CureVac/. Since 2015 will receive /CureVac/ money from the
Gates Foundation, to its own mRNAtechnology
<> to
develop. In January granted the Gates ‘ supported /CEPI/ of more than US
$ 8 million for the development of a mRNA vaccine for the novel
If you additionally take into account that the Gates Foundation and
related facilities, such as /CEPI/ the largest funder of the WHO
well-known public-private entity, and that its current Director, Tedros
Adhanom, the first WHO Director is in the story, is not a doctor of
medicine and for many years at the Gates Foundation on HIV was working,
as Tedros Minister in Ethiopia was active, we see that there is
virtually no area of the current Coronavirus pandemic, in which the
ubiquitous Gates has his Finger in the game. Whether this is for the
good of mankind or out of concern for reasons of the case, will show the
*No vaccine, no Job: The eugenicist Bill Gates calls for “digital
certificates” to prove the vaccination status of the Coronavirus*
<> reported:
At 18. In March, the outpoken eugenicists Bill Gates took part in an AMA
session (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit with the title “I’m Bill Gates,
Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”. And during this event,
the Gates to the world open, that the Agenda for the future is to
vaccinate every human being on the planet with Coronavirus vaccines, and
to pursue them with “digital certificates” of the type: “mark of the
beast” (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, predicted 65 million
Deaths by Coronavirus – 3 months ago! (Videos) <>).
This AMA event with Bill Gates took place only five days after his
resignation from the public the Bord of Directors of Microsoft to “allow
more time for philanthropic priorities, such as global health and
development, education and climate change to spend”, and revealed,
finally, the plans of the globalist endgame for humanity, the Mark of
people like cattle and the Control of what you’re allowed to do covers
based on their vaccination status.
If you agree, a Wuhan-Coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19) vaccinate to leave
as soon as this is available, in other words, gives the government
permission to re-join society, and at least a part of their “normality”
to resume something like a past life.
If you do not do this, however, they are excluded, presumably, from the
Rest of the world and in a permanent Isolation forced. You must left to
itself, without the possibility, in stores buy, sell, or operate itself.
This is the book of the revelation of the Bible in action, and Bill
Gates all ready for you – assuming you pay attention. Everything that he
presents as a “solution” to the crisis of the Wuhan-Coronavirus
(COVID-19), was said by the prophets a long time ago before, and now it
is implemented under the guise to stop a global pandemic, and to ensure
that everyone has a “digital identity”.
It’s October 2019 was when Bill Gates held his notorious Event 201 Forum
discussions about “hypothetical” Coronavirus pandemic, and their
treatment entailed. A few months later, here we are, just like Bill
Gates and his globalist friends “predicted” or rather, planned to
have-that everything will happen, along with your “solutions” in the
starting blocks to a great revelation-wait (The Coronavirus COVID-19
pandemic flu: The real threat is the Plan of the Elite “Agenda ID2020”
To the question: “What Changes we need to make to the functioning of
companies, to our economy to maintain and create social distance?” Bill
Gates replied:
The question of which companies should continue to make, is
difficult. Certainly the food supply and the health system. We need the
water, electricity and the Internet. Supply chains for critical things
that need to be maintained. The countries consider still what you want
them to keep Running.“ (Holy Corona help! Around us is raging, the last
battle for the future of humanity (Videos) <>).
And here is the true Kicker is at the end of his answer:
“Eventually, we will have digital certificates in order to show who has
recovered recently, or was tested, or when we have a vaccine received”.
Codex Humanus – the book of humanity
Sources: PublicDomain/maki72 for PRAVDA TV on 04.04.2020


More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won’t!:


Globalist memes for the Grand Cull: how well animals are doing with
humans out of the way
From The Conversation (which looks to be a globalist-funded publication)
Hedgehogs and ducks during lockdown:…
>> One of the (very) few pleasures of life in lockdown where I live has
>> been the extraordinary surge in wildlife activity. The sound of
>> birdsong is everywhere and the foxes are firmly in charge in the
>> neighbourhood these days. Our drastically reduced use of outside s
> 23 March 2017 – Suit expected to be filed over mystery illness at
> Arlington junior high school:
> <>
> Dozens of Nichols Junior High School staff members have reported
> symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nausea, only while they’re
> in the school building.
> The Arlington Independent School District is responding after the
> NAACP filed a lawsuit over mysterious illnesses at Nichols Junior High
> School. They’re asking for an emergency order to keep everyone out of
> the school until a cause is found.
> NBC5 learned on Thursday that there have been more than 500 complaints
> of illness, including nausea, dizziness and fainting, from 70
> different people at Nichols, since this all started back in September.
> The District says those number have dropped significantly in the past
> few weeks. But until there are zero cases, advocates say no one should
> be in the school.
> A six-month search for answers at Nichols Junior High is now heading
> to the courtroom.
> “If they’re not going to advocate and provide a safe and humane
> educational environment for those students, we’re going to fight for
> those people,” said Simmons, President of the Arlington chapter of the
> ___________________
> The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport April 1, 2020
> <>Audio,
> 3 parts, 2 hs total, listen in background.
> ___________________
> PROPAGANDA WATCH – /The Washington Post /is putting out the daily
> diary of a Chinese-American doctor slogging it out in a New York
> hospital. New York City doctor says ‘The things that I see in the ER
> are scary’.  Funny how they contracted with a Chinese-American to
> produce this “diary”, though, isn’t it?  And isn’t “scary” a bit weak
> here?  What about “terrifying”, “horrendous”, “catastrophic”,
> “heart-stopping” or some other adjective with a bit of meat to it?  Or
> – if people are really dying – how about “tragic”, “sad”, “touching”
> or “moving” – these are supposed to be human beings, after all.
> They are tryng to mimic the chaotic scenes of the Wuhan hospitals, but
> failing dismally.  Perhaps it’ll all hot up a bit next week when they
> turn the 5G up and really start killing everyone.  Or perhaps they
> could edit in some scenes of people wailing and throwing themselves
> about.  Bring in the Wag the Dog director – he’s obviously needed on
> set to liven the story line up a bit:
> .
> ___________________
> UKC News – 03/04/20 – COVID19 Latest:
> <>
> ___________________
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.43.30.png
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.46.53.png
> ___________________
> Coronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
> Coronavirus Covid-19
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.43.30.pngCoronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not
> Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
> Fact Not Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
BREAKING NEWS: Slovenia Stops 5G Due to Health Risks

The country of Slovenia has postponed the approval of spectrum to
support 5G services until the effects of the technology on humans and
the environment are investigated. Slovenia’s Minister of Administration,
Rudy Medved, told the Slovenian media, “Questions about the harmfulness
of 5G technology are legitimate.” *Translate and read the news report


Office of Governor Ned Lamont
LIED about the infant death in Connecticut. He should be forced to



Gates admits telling Trump to kill the vaccine commission:


Who was Bill Gates Before Microsoft?

This is a video about philanthropic billionaire, Bill Gates. We go into
his family history, his early childhood, education, extracurriculars,
and time at Harvard to answer the question “Who was Bill Gates before

Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 23.15.58.png

Insider: Bundesregierung bereitet sich auf Aufstände vor | Bilderberger
& die Coronakrise:

Bill Gates

More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won’t!:



Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.54.47.png


UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus theories:

Each one of those “spikes” at 11:20 into video corresponds to the spikes
of turn-ons of Elon Musk’s STARLINK 5G blaster satellites, 60 new
satellites per Space-X launch. Each new turn-on will cause blasting of
more and more people with microwave radiation, causing more and more
“corona” deaths. See Firstenberg’s INVISIBLE RAINBOW book which
correlates past turn-on’s (radio, RADAR, satellites, now 5G) immediately
followed by pandemic outbreaks.


Bright Comet Last Seen by ancient Egyptians Could Grace Our Skies Just
as Coronavirus Peaks:…

Globalist memes for the Grand Cull: how well animals are doing with
humans out of the way
From The Converstation (which looks to be a globalist-funded publication)
Hedgehogs and ducks during lockdown:…
One of the (very) few pleasures of life in lockdown where I live has
been the extraordinary surge in wildlife activity. The sound of birdsong
is everywhere and the foxes are firmly in charge in the neighbourhood
these days. Our drastically reduced use of outside space is good news
for some types of wildlife
particularly the hedgehog, an at-risk creature that will benefit from
quieter roads.

BILL GATES ‘You Can’t Travel Without a VACCINE CERTIFICATE 2 Esdras


BILL GATES ‘You Can’t Travel Without a VACCINE CERTIFICATE 2 Esdras

The Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation: No vaccination = no work:
No one has the research to vaccines against corona virus is active,
encouraged and financed as Bill Gates and the /Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation/. To develop the sponsorship of a Simulation of a global
Coronavirus pandemic, a few weeks before the announcement of Wuhan
outbreak, to the financing of many efforts of enterprises, a new type of
vaccine for the apparently novel Virus that is Gates present. What does
that mean actually?
We have to admit that Bill Gates is at least a Prophet. He has for years
claimed that a global killer pandemic will come and that we are not
prepared for it. 18. March 2015 held Gates in Vancouver for a /TED/-talk
about the epidemics.
On this day he wrote in his Blog: “I just held a short presentation
about a topic I’ve learned a lot lately – epidemics. The Ebola outbreak
in West Africa is a tragedy – as I write this, more than the death of
10,000 people.” (Holy Corona help! Around us is raging, the last battle
for the future of humanity (Videos) <>).
Gates added: “as terrible As this epidemic was, the next one could be
much worse. The world is just not ready with an illness – for example, a
particularly virulent flu, which infected a large number of people very
quickly. Of all the things, the 10 million people or more could kill is,
by Far, the most likely an epidemic
In the same year, in 2015, wrote Bill Gates in an article for the /New
England Journal of Medicine/with the title of /The Next Epidemic:
Lessons from Ebola/ (he next epidemic: Lessons from Ebola). There, he
spoke of a special class of drugs, in the case of “patient a number of
specific RNA-receive-based constructs, with which you can certain
proteins (including antibodies) can produce.
Although this is a very new area, he is promising, because it is
possible that a safe therapy developed fairly rapidly and on a large
scale could be made.
More basic research as well as the progress of companies
like /Moderna/ , and /CureVac/ could this approach ultimately to be a
key instrument for the containment of epidemics
<> do.” /Moderna/ and/CureVac/ today
received both funding from the Gates Foundation and run the race to the
development of an approved COVID-19 vaccine on mRNA-base (From invisible
Impf-ink-Tattoos why France is a tested Corona-Virus remedies hidden and
Bill Gates mass vaccination will <>).
*2017 and the establishment of CEPI*
A global flu pandemic is something that Gates and his well-endowed
Foundation for years to have prepared. During the Davos world economic
forum initiated the Gates of 2017, together with the governments of
Norway, India, Japan and Germany together with the British /Wellcome
Trust/ , the so-called /CEPI/, the coalition for innovation to prepare
for epidemics (The earth is located in the largest cleansing process of
your history (Videos) <>).
Its stated goal is “the development of vaccines to accelerate, we need
to outbreaks of future epidemics
<> curb”. He
noted at the time that “a promising area of research for the development
of vaccines is to use advances in genomics, the DNA and RNA of disease
to map pathogens and the production of vaccines.” We will come back to it.
*Event 201*
In 2019, Bill Gates and the Foundation were with their pandemic
scenarios at full speed. He made a /Netflix/Video, a scary imaginary
scenario was. The Video, which is part of the series /Explained/ , it
turned a fish market in China, the living and the dead, animals are
stacked, and a highly deadly Virus breaks out, the worldwide common.
Gates appears in the Video as the expert and warns: “If you think of
something that could kill millions of people, a pandemic is our greatest
risk.” He said that if nothing is being done to better to the pandemic,
to prepare, would come the time in the world to look back and would wish
to have more in potential vaccines to be invested. It was weeks before
the world of bats and a fish market in Wuhan (China
In October 2019, has the Gates Foundation together with the world
economic forum and the /Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/ , a
so-called “fictitious” Simulation of a scenario carried out on the some
of the world’s leading personalities of the public health system are
involved. It was /Event 201/ called.
As your Website described, simulated /Event 201 /an “outbreak of a novel
zoonotic Coronavirus from bats to pigs and then to humans, eventually
efficiently from Person-to-Person transferable and to a severe pandemic
leads. The pathogen and the disease it causes, are largely based on
SARS, but it is in the environment of human communities transferable, in
the case of mild symptoms
In The Scenario /Event 201/ the disease has its origin in a pig farm in
Brazil, spreads in low-income regions, and finally explodes into an
epidemic. The disease will travel by flight to Portugal, in the USA, to
China and beyond, to transfer, to the point that no country can control
it. The scenario envisages that in the first year, there is no possible
vaccine is available. “Because in the first months of the pandemic, the
entire human population is vulnerable to an increase in the cumulative
number of cases exponentially and doubles every week.”
The scenario ends after 18 months, if the fictional Coronavirus has
caused 65 million deaths. “The pandemic is slowed down due to the
diminishing number of vulnerable people. The pandemic will persist to
some extent until there is an effective vaccine, or up to 80-90% of the
world’s population in contact with it are come.”
*Event 201-Players*
So interesting the fictional scenario of anticipatory Gates-Johns
Hopkins-/Event 201/ in October 2019 may be, the list of participants in
the discussion, to participate in the imaginary global reaction have
been invited to, is just as interesting.
Under the selected “actors” as they were called, was George Fu Gao. In
particular, Prof. Gao is since 2017, the Director of the Chinese center
for control and prevention of diseases. His specialization includes the
study of the Transmission of influenza virus-Interspecies (host jump).He
is also interested in viral ecology, especially the relationship between
the influenza virus and migratory birds or live poultry markets, and the
Ecology and molecular biology
<> of
bat viruses.” Of bat derived virus ecology…
Prof. Gao was recorded among others by the former Deputy CIA Director
during the Obama term of office, Avril Haines, in the discussion
forum. She was also assistant to President Obama and Deputy national
security Advisor.
Another actor in the Gates event was rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd,
Director of the office for Preparedness and response in the field of
public health care in the centres for the control and prevention of
diseases (/CDC/). The same /CDC/ is located in the center of a great
scandal, because in the United States no sufficient functioning Tests
for COVID-19-cases are available. Their willingness was anything other
than commendable.
Adrian Thomas, Vice President of /Johnson & Johnson/, the giant medical
and pharmaceutical company, rounded out the group. Thomas is at /J &
J/ for the preparation for pandemics, including developing vaccines
against Ebola, Dengue fever and HIV. And there was Martin Knuchel, head
for crisis, emergency & usiness continuity Management for the /Lufthansa
Group Airlines/. /Lufthansa /was one of the largest airlines, while the
COVID-19-pandemic crisis, the flights drastically reduced.
All of this shows that Bill Gates has had a remarkable concern for the
possibility of a global pandemic outbreak, of which he said that he
could still be greater than the alleged deaths due to the mysterious
Spanish flu from 1918, and has warned since at least five years or
longer in front of it. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was funding
the development of new vaccines involved, using the latest /CRISPR/gene
editing and other technologies.
*The Coronavirus Vaccines*
The money the Gates Foundation to support vaccine development on every
Front. /Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc/ from Pennsylvania, it received 9
million dollars from the Gates-supported /CEPI/ /(Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations)/, the vaccine INO-4800 to develop, in April in
a suspiciously quick time period people tested for. In addition, the
Gates Foundation, the organization straight an additional 5 million US
dollars for the development of a proprietary smart device for the
intradermal administration of the new vaccine
<> is
made available.
In addition, Fund of funds, the Gates Foundation, through /CEPI/ , the
development of a radically new vaccine method, the MessengerRNA, or mRNA
is known.
You are helping to Finance the Biotech company /Moderna Inc. /Cambridge
(Massachusetts) for the development of a vaccine against the novel
Coronavirus is from Wuhan, which is now called SARS-CoV-2. The other
Partner of /the Moderna/ is the US-American /National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)/, part of the /National
Institutes of Health (NIH)/. The head of the /NIAID/ , Dr. Anthony
Fauci, the Person in the center of the Virus-the emergency plan of the
Trump Administration. What is remarkable about this
Fauci-Gates-vaccine /mRNA 1273/ of /Moderna/against the Coronavirus,
that he was introduced in a few weeks, and not years, and on
24. February directly to Faucis /NIH/ went, to Tests on human Guinea
pigs, and not, as usual, in mice.
The chief medical consultant of /Moderna/, Tal Zaks, argued: “I do not
believe that the evidence in one animal study it on the critical path of
a clinical trial
<> would
Another remarkable confession of /Moderna/ on its site is the legal
disclaimer: “Special note about forward-looking statements: … To these
risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others: … the
fact that it was never a commercial product with the mRNA of technology
has given the for use was admitted
<>.” In
other words: completely untested for human health and safety.
Another Biotech company, the time when the mRNA technology to the
development of a vaccine for COVID-19 works is the German
company /CureVac/. Since 2015 will receive /CureVac/ money from the
Gates Foundation, to its own mRNAtechnology
<> to
develop. In January granted the Gates ‘ supported /CEPI/ of more than US
$ 8 million for the development of a mRNA vaccine for the novel
If you additionally take into account that the Gates Foundation and
related facilities, such as /CEPI/ the largest funder of the WHO
well-known public-private entity, and that its current Director, Tedros
Adhanom, the first WHO Director is in the story, is not a doctor of
medicine and for many years at the Gates Foundation on HIV was working,
as Tedros Minister in Ethiopia was active, we see that there is
virtually no area of the current Coronavirus pandemic, in which the
ubiquitous Gates has his Finger in the game. Whether this is for the
good of mankind or out of concern for reasons of the case, will show the
*No vaccine, no Job: The eugenicist Bill Gates calls for “digital
certificates” to prove the vaccination status of the Coronavirus*
<> reported:
At 18. In March, the outpoken eugenicists Bill Gates took part in an AMA
session (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit with the title “I’m Bill Gates,
Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”. And during this event,
the Gates to the world open, that the Agenda for the future is to
vaccinate every human being on the planet with Coronavirus vaccines, and
to pursue them with “digital certificates” of the type: “mark of the
beast” (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, predicted 65 million
Deaths by Coronavirus – 3 months ago! (Videos) <>).
This AMA event with Bill Gates took place only five days after his
resignation from the public the Bord of Directors of Microsoft to “allow
more time for philanthropic priorities, such as global health and
development, education and climate change to spend”, and revealed,
finally, the plans of the globalist endgame for humanity, the Mark of
people like cattle and the Control of what you’re allowed to do covers
based on their vaccination status.
If you agree, a Wuhan-Coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19) vaccinate to leave
as soon as this is available, in other words, gives the government
permission to re-join society, and at least a part of their “normality”
to resume something like a past life.
If you do not do this, however, they are excluded, presumably, from the
Rest of the world and in a permanent Isolation forced. You must left to
itself, without the possibility, in stores buy, sell, or operate itself.
This is the book of the revelation of the Bible in action, and Bill
Gates all ready for you – assuming you pay attention. Everything that he
presents as a “solution” to the crisis of the Wuhan-Coronavirus
(COVID-19), was said by the prophets a long time ago before, and now it
is implemented under the guise to stop a global pandemic, and to ensure
that everyone has a “digital identity”.
It’s October 2019 was when Bill Gates held his notorious Event 201 Forum
discussions about “hypothetical” Coronavirus pandemic, and their
treatment entailed. A few months later, here we are, just like Bill
Gates and his globalist friends “predicted” or rather, planned to
have-that everything will happen, along with your “solutions” in the
starting blocks to a great revelation-wait (The Coronavirus COVID-19
pandemic flu: The real threat is the Plan of the Elite “Agenda ID2020”
To the question: “What Changes we need to make to the functioning of
companies, to our economy to maintain and create social distance?” Bill
Gates replied:
The question of which companies should continue to make, is
difficult. Certainly the food supply and the health system. We need the
water, electricity and the Internet. Supply chains for critical things
that need to be maintained. The countries consider still what you want
them to keep Running.“ (Holy Corona help! Around us is raging, the last
battle for the future of humanity (Videos) <>).
And here is the true Kicker is at the end of his answer:
“Eventually, we will have digital certificates in order to show who has
recovered recently, or was tested, or when we have a vaccine received”.
Codex Humanus – the book of humanity
Sources: PublicDomain/maki72 for PRAVDA TV on 04.04.2020


More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won’t!:


Globalist memes for the Grand Cull: how well animals are doing with
humans out of the way
From The Conversation (which looks to be a globalist-funded publication)
Hedgehogs and ducks during lockdown:…
>> One of the (very) few pleasures of life in lockdown where I live has
>> been the extraordinary surge in wildlife activity. The sound of
>> birdsong is everywhere and the foxes are firmly in charge in the
>> neighbourhood these days. Our drastically reduced use of outside s
> 23 March 2017 – Suit expected to be filed over mystery illness at
> Arlington junior high school:
> <>
> Dozens of Nichols Junior High School staff members have reported
> symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nausea, only while they’re
> in the school building.
> The Arlington Independent School District is responding after the
> NAACP filed a lawsuit over mysterious illnesses at Nichols Junior High
> School. They’re asking for an emergency order to keep everyone out of
> the school until a cause is found.
> NBC5 learned on Thursday that there have been more than 500 complaints
> of illness, including nausea, dizziness and fainting, from 70
> different people at Nichols, since this all started back in September.
> The District says those number have dropped significantly in the past
> few weeks. But until there are zero cases, advocates say no one should
> be in the school.
> A six-month search for answers at Nichols Junior High is now heading
> to the courtroom.
> “If they’re not going to advocate and provide a safe and humane
> educational environment for those students, we’re going to fight for
> those people,” said Simmons, President of the Arlington chapter of the
> ___________________
> The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport April 1, 2020
> <>Audio,
> 3 parts, 2 hs total, listen in background.
> ___________________
> PROPAGANDA WATCH – /The Washington Post /is putting out the daily
> diary of a Chinese-American doctor slogging it out in a New York
> hospital. New York City doctor says ‘The things that I see in the ER
> are scary’.  Funny how they contracted with a Chinese-American to
> produce this “diary”, though, isn’t it?  And isn’t “scary” a bit weak
> here?  What about “terrifying”, “horrendous”, “catastrophic”,
> “heart-stopping” or some other adjective with a bit of meat to it?  Or
> – if people are really dying – how about “tragic”, “sad”, “touching”
> or “moving” – these are supposed to be human beings, after all.
> They are tryng to mimic the chaotic scenes of the Wuhan hospitals, but
> failing dismally.  Perhaps it’ll all hot up a bit next week when they
> turn the 5G up and really start killing everyone.  Or perhaps they
> could edit in some scenes of people wailing and throwing themselves
> about.  Bring in the Wag the Dog director – he’s obviously needed on
> set to liven the story line up a bit:
> .
> ___________________
> UKC News – 03/04/20 – COVID19 Latest:
> <>
> ___________________
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.43.30.png
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.46.53.png
> ___________________
> Coronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
> Coronavirus Covid-19
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.43.30.pngCoronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not
> Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
> Fact Not Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
The Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation: No vaccination = no work:
No one has the research to vaccines against corona virus is active,
encouraged and financed as Bill Gates and the /Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation/. To develop the sponsorship of a Simulation of a global
Coronavirus pandemic, a few weeks before the announcement of Wuhan
outbreak, to the financing of many efforts of enterprises, a new type of
vaccine for the apparently novel Virus that is Gates present. What does
that mean actually?
We have to admit that Bill Gates is at least a Prophet. He has for years
claimed that a global killer pandemic will come and that we are not
prepared for it. 18. March 2015 held Gates in Vancouver for a /TED/-talk
about the epidemics.
On this day he wrote in his Blog: “I just held a short presentation
about a topic I’ve learned a lot lately – epidemics. The Ebola outbreak
in West Africa is a tragedy – as I write this, more than the death of
10,000 people.” (Holy Corona help! Around us is raging, the last battle
for the future of humanity (Videos) <>).
Gates added: “as terrible As this epidemic was, the next one could be
much worse. The world is just not ready with an illness – for example, a
particularly virulent flu, which infected a large number of people very
quickly. Of all the things, the 10 million people or more could kill is,
by Far, the most likely an epidemic
In the same year, in 2015, wrote Bill Gates in an article for the /New
England Journal of Medicine/with the title of /The Next Epidemic:
Lessons from Ebola/ (he next epidemic: Lessons from Ebola). There, he
spoke of a special class of drugs, in the case of “patient a number of
specific RNA-receive-based constructs, with which you can certain
proteins (including antibodies) can produce.
Although this is a very new area, he is promising, because it is
possible that a safe therapy developed fairly rapidly and on a large
scale could be made.
More basic research as well as the progress of companies
like /Moderna/ , and /CureVac/ could this approach ultimately to be a
key instrument for the containment of epidemics
<> do.” /Moderna/ and/CureVac/ today
received both funding from the Gates Foundation and run the race to the
development of an approved COVID-19 vaccine on mRNA-base (From invisible
Impf-ink-Tattoos why France is a tested Corona-Virus remedies hidden and
Bill Gates mass vaccination will <>).
*2017 and the establishment of CEPI*
A global flu pandemic is something that Gates and his well-endowed
Foundation for years to have prepared. During the Davos world economic
forum initiated the Gates of 2017, together with the governments of
Norway, India, Japan and Germany together with the British /Wellcome
Trust/ , the so-called /CEPI/, the coalition for innovation to prepare
for epidemics (The earth is located in the largest cleansing process of
your history (Videos) <>).
Its stated goal is “the development of vaccines to accelerate, we need
to outbreaks of future epidemics
<> curb”. He
noted at the time that “a promising area of research for the development
of vaccines is to use advances in genomics, the DNA and RNA of disease
to map pathogens and the production of vaccines.” We will come back to it.
*Event 201*
In 2019, Bill Gates and the Foundation were with their pandemic
scenarios at full speed. He made a /Netflix/Video, a scary imaginary
scenario was. The Video, which is part of the series /Explained/ , it
turned a fish market in China, the living and the dead, animals are
stacked, and a highly deadly Virus breaks out, the worldwide common.
Gates appears in the Video as the expert and warns: “If you think of
something that could kill millions of people, a pandemic is our greatest
risk.” He said that if nothing is being done to better to the pandemic,
to prepare, would come the time in the world to look back and would wish
to have more in potential vaccines to be invested. It was weeks before
the world of bats and a fish market in Wuhan (China
In October 2019, has the Gates Foundation together with the world
economic forum and the /Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/ , a
so-called “fictitious” Simulation of a scenario carried out on the some
of the world’s leading personalities of the public health system are
involved. It was /Event 201/ called.
As your Website described, simulated /Event 201 /an “outbreak of a novel
zoonotic Coronavirus from bats to pigs and then to humans, eventually
efficiently from Person-to-Person transferable and to a severe pandemic
leads. The pathogen and the disease it causes, are largely based on
SARS, but it is in the environment of human communities transferable, in
the case of mild symptoms
In The Scenario /Event 201/ the disease has its origin in a pig farm in
Brazil, spreads in low-income regions, and finally explodes into an
epidemic. The disease will travel by flight to Portugal, in the USA, to
China and beyond, to transfer, to the point that no country can control
it. The scenario envisages that in the first year, there is no possible
vaccine is available. “Because in the first months of the pandemic, the
entire human population is vulnerable to an increase in the cumulative
number of cases exponentially and doubles every week.”
The scenario ends after 18 months, if the fictional Coronavirus has
caused 65 million deaths. “The pandemic is slowed down due to the
diminishing number of vulnerable people. The pandemic will persist to
some extent until there is an effective vaccine, or up to 80-90% of the
world’s population in contact with it are come.”
*Event 201-Players*
So interesting the fictional scenario of anticipatory Gates-Johns
Hopkins-/Event 201/ in October 2019 may be, the list of participants in
the discussion, to participate in the imaginary global reaction have
been invited to, is just as interesting.
Under the selected “actors” as they were called, was George Fu Gao. In
particular, Prof. Gao is since 2017, the Director of the Chinese center
for control and prevention of diseases. His specialization includes the
study of the Transmission of influenza virus-Interspecies (host jump).He
is also interested in viral ecology, especially the relationship between
the influenza virus and migratory birds or live poultry markets, and the
Ecology and molecular biology
<> of
bat viruses.” Of bat derived virus ecology…
Prof. Gao was recorded among others by the former Deputy CIA Director
during the Obama term of office, Avril Haines, in the discussion
forum. She was also assistant to President Obama and Deputy national
security Advisor.
Another actor in the Gates event was rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd,
Director of the office for Preparedness and response in the field of
public health care in the centres for the control and prevention of
diseases (/CDC/). The same /CDC/ is located in the center of a great
scandal, because in the United States no sufficient functioning Tests
for COVID-19-cases are available. Their willingness was anything other
than commendable.
Adrian Thomas, Vice President of /Johnson & Johnson/, the giant medical
and pharmaceutical company, rounded out the group. Thomas is at /J &
J/ for the preparation for pandemics, including developing vaccines
against Ebola, Dengue fever and HIV. And there was Martin Knuchel, head
for crisis, emergency & usiness continuity Management for the /Lufthansa
Group Airlines/. /Lufthansa /was one of the largest airlines, while the
COVID-19-pandemic crisis, the flights drastically reduced.
All of this shows that Bill Gates has had a remarkable concern for the
possibility of a global pandemic outbreak, of which he said that he
could still be greater than the alleged deaths due to the mysterious
Spanish flu from 1918, and has warned since at least five years or
longer in front of it. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was funding
the development of new vaccines involved, using the latest /CRISPR/gene
editing and other technologies.
*The Coronavirus Vaccines*
The money the Gates Foundation to support vaccine development on every
Front. /Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc/ from Pennsylvania, it received 9
million dollars from the Gates-supported /CEPI/ /(Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations)/, the vaccine INO-4800 to develop, in April in
a suspiciously quick time period people tested for. In addition, the
Gates Foundation, the organization straight an additional 5 million US
dollars for the development of a proprietary smart device for the
intradermal administration of the new vaccine
<> is
made available.
In addition, Fund of funds, the Gates Foundation, through /CEPI/ , the
development of a radically new vaccine method, the MessengerRNA, or mRNA
is known.
You are helping to Finance the Biotech company /Moderna Inc. /Cambridge
(Massachusetts) for the development of a vaccine against the novel
Coronavirus is from Wuhan, which is now called SARS-CoV-2. The other
Partner of /the Moderna/ is the US-American /National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)/, part of the /National
Institutes of Health (NIH)/. The head of the /NIAID/ , Dr. Anthony
Fauci, the Person in the center of the Virus-the emergency plan of the
Trump Administration. What is remarkable about this
Fauci-Gates-vaccine /mRNA 1273/ of /Moderna/against the Coronavirus,
that he was introduced in a few weeks, and not years, and on
24. February directly to Faucis /NIH/ went, to Tests on human Guinea
pigs, and not, as usual, in mice.
The chief medical consultant of /Moderna/, Tal Zaks, argued: “I do not
believe that the evidence in one animal study it on the critical path of
a clinical trial
<> would
Another remarkable confession of /Moderna/ on its site is the legal
disclaimer: “Special note about forward-looking statements: … To these
risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others: … the
fact that it was never a commercial product with the mRNA of technology
has given the for use was admitted
<>.” In
other words: completely untested for human health and safety.
Another Biotech company, the time when the mRNA technology to the
development of a vaccine for COVID-19 works is the German
company /CureVac/. Since 2015 will receive /CureVac/ money from the
Gates Foundation, to its own mRNAtechnology
<> to
develop. In January granted the Gates ‘ supported /CEPI/ of more than US
$ 8 million for the development of a mRNA vaccine for the novel
If you additionally take into account that the Gates Foundation and
related facilities, such as /CEPI/ the largest funder of the WHO
well-known public-private entity, and that its current Director, Tedros
Adhanom, the first WHO Director is in the story, is not a doctor of
medicine and for many years at the Gates Foundation on HIV was working,
as Tedros Minister in Ethiopia was active, we see that there is
virtually no area of the current Coronavirus pandemic, in which the
ubiquitous Gates has his Finger in the game. Whether this is for the
good of mankind or out of concern for reasons of the case, will show the
*No vaccine, no Job: The eugenicist Bill Gates calls for “digital
certificates” to prove the vaccination status of the Coronavirus*
<> reported:
At 18. In March, the outpoken eugenicists Bill Gates took part in an AMA
session (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit with the title “I’m Bill Gates,
Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”. And during this event,
the Gates to the world open, that the Agenda for the future is to
vaccinate every human being on the planet with Coronavirus vaccines, and
to pursue them with “digital certificates” of the type: “mark of the
beast” (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, predicted 65 million
Deaths by Coronavirus – 3 months ago! (Videos) <>).
This AMA event with Bill Gates took place only five days after his
resignation from the public the Bord of Directors of Microsoft to “allow
more time for philanthropic priorities, such as global health and
development, education and climate change to spend”, and revealed,
finally, the plans of the globalist endgame for humanity, the Mark of
people like cattle and the Control of what you’re allowed to do covers
based on their vaccination status.
If you agree, a Wuhan-Coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19) vaccinate to leave
as soon as this is available, in other words, gives the government
permission to re-join society, and at least a part of their “normality”
to resume something like a past life.
If you do not do this, however, they are excluded, presumably, from the
Rest of the world and in a permanent Isolation forced. You must left to
itself, without the possibility, in stores buy, sell, or operate itself.
This is the book of the revelation of the Bible in action, and Bill
Gates all ready for you – assuming you pay attention. Everything that he
presents as a “solution” to the crisis of the Wuhan-Coronavirus
(COVID-19), was said by the prophets a long time ago before, and now it
is implemented under the guise to stop a global pandemic, and to ensure
that everyone has a “digital identity”.
It’s October 2019 was when Bill Gates held his notorious Event 201 Forum
discussions about “hypothetical” Coronavirus pandemic, and their
treatment entailed. A few months later, here we are, just like Bill
Gates and his globalist friends “predicted” or rather, planned to
have-that everything will happen, along with your “solutions” in the
starting blocks to a great revelation-wait (The Coronavirus COVID-19
pandemic flu: The real threat is the Plan of the Elite “Agenda ID2020”
To the question: “What Changes we need to make to the functioning of
companies, to our economy to maintain and create social distance?” Bill
Gates replied:
The question of which companies should continue to make, is
difficult. Certainly the food supply and the health system. We need the
water, electricity and the Internet. Supply chains for critical things
that need to be maintained. The countries consider still what you want
them to keep Running.“ (Holy Corona help! Around us is raging, the last
battle for the future of humanity (Videos) <>).
And here is the true Kicker is at the end of his answer:
“Eventually, we will have digital certificates in order to show who has
recovered recently, or was tested, or when we have a vaccine received”.
Codex Humanus – the book of humanity
Sources: PublicDomain/maki72 for PRAVDA TV on 04.04.2020


More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won’t!:


Globalist memes for the Grand Cull: how well animals are doing with
humans out of the way
From The Conversation (which looks to be a globalist-funded publication)
Hedgehogs and ducks during lockdown:…
>> One of the (very) few pleasures of life in lockdown where I live has
>> been the extraordinary surge in wildlife activity. The sound of
>> birdsong is everywhere and the foxes are firmly in charge in the
>> neighbourhood these days. Our drastically reduced use of outside s
> 23 March 2017 – Suit expected to be filed over mystery illness at
> Arlington junior high school:
> <>
> Dozens of Nichols Junior High School staff members have reported
> symptoms including dizziness, headaches and nausea, only while they’re
> in the school building.
> The Arlington Independent School District is responding after the
> NAACP filed a lawsuit over mysterious illnesses at Nichols Junior High
> School. They’re asking for an emergency order to keep everyone out of
> the school until a cause is found.
> NBC5 learned on Thursday that there have been more than 500 complaints
> of illness, including nausea, dizziness and fainting, from 70
> different people at Nichols, since this all started back in September.
> The District says those number have dropped significantly in the past
> few weeks. But until there are zero cases, advocates say no one should
> be in the school.
> A six-month search for answers at Nichols Junior High is now heading
> to the courtroom.
> “If they’re not going to advocate and provide a safe and humane
> educational environment for those students, we’re going to fight for
> those people,” said Simmons, President of the Arlington chapter of the
> ___________________
> The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport April 1, 2020
> <>Audio,
> 3 parts, 2 hs total, listen in background.
> ___________________
> PROPAGANDA WATCH – /The Washington Post /is putting out the daily
> diary of a Chinese-American doctor slogging it out in a New York
> hospital. New York City doctor says ‘The things that I see in the ER
> are scary’.  Funny how they contracted with a Chinese-American to
> produce this “diary”, though, isn’t it?  And isn’t “scary” a bit weak
> here?  What about “terrifying”, “horrendous”, “catastrophic”,
> “heart-stopping” or some other adjective with a bit of meat to it?  Or
> – if people are really dying – how about “tragic”, “sad”, “touching”
> or “moving” – these are supposed to be human beings, after all.
> They are tryng to mimic the chaotic scenes of the Wuhan hospitals, but
> failing dismally.  Perhaps it’ll all hot up a bit next week when they
> turn the 5G up and really start killing everyone.  Or perhaps they
> could edit in some scenes of people wailing and throwing themselves
> about.  Bring in the Wag the Dog director – he’s obviously needed on
> set to liven the story line up a bit:
> .
> ___________________
> UKC News – 03/04/20 – COVID19 Latest:
> <>
> ___________________
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.43.30.png
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.46.53.png
> ___________________
> Coronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
> Coronavirus Covid-19
> Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 02.43.30.pngCoronavirus Covid-19 Fact Not
> Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:
> Fact Not Fear:
> ___________________
> Worried about coronavirus? Make sure you’re getting enough zinc:
> <>
> … Researchers have found that zinc fights viruses in two different
> ways. In addition to being a direct antiviral, it also stimulates
> antiviral activity. And given its proven effects on colds – many of
> which are caused by a type of coronavirus – and the
> coronavirus-related SARS infection, it stands to reason that it could
> also provide benefits for the COVID-19 strain.
> It works by stopping the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
> The review of studies that appeared in /Advances in Nutrition/reported
> that zinc led to a reduction in the viral load of people with
> respiratory syncytial virus, and it stopped viral RNA and protein
> synthesis in gastroenteritis viruses.
> Interestingly, one of the signs of a zinc deficiency is a loss of the
> senses of taste and smell, which also happens to be one of the early
> symptoms of a COVID-19 infection. Other signs include fatigue, slow
> would healing, frequent infections, food cravings, hair loss and
> infertility. …
> ___________________
> Tucker Carlson: The WHO helped China cover up coronavirus
> <…>
> Tucker Carlson exposed during a powerful monologue last night how the
> World Health Organization helped China cover-up the severity of
> coronavirus and how the U.S. media turned a blind eye. …
> Japanese VP: The WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health
> Organization’
> <…>
> The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed
> the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing
> cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. …
> Coronavirus is now the third leading cause of death in the United
> States
> <…>
> More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday. As
> you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of
> death in the United States on a daily basis.  …
> Nursing home infections and deaths are still rising, even after
> coronavirus lockdown
> <…>
> Across the country, nursing homes have been in lockdown for weeks
> under federal orders to protect their elderly residents from the
> coronavirus. However, a wave of deadly outbreaks in these
> ___________________
> <>
> ___________________
> Unbelievable….
> On a freedom of speech issue, word is out that Huawei & Chinese
> carriers want to redesign a key aspect of the internet.  There is a
> proposed new protocol at the ITU, New IP, that theoretically offers
> more efficient addressing and network management than the existing
> TCP/IP standard but also appears to have hooks that allow
> authoritarian regimes to censor and surveil their residents.  Most
> notably there would be a “shut up” command that would let a central
> part of the network cut off data going to or from an address.  That
> would effectively silence an activist without resorting to extra
> tools.  There are also concerns that New IP would require
> authentication and authorization of not just new internet addresses,
> but also the humans involved and the data packets being sent.  China
> has long called for linking real names to internet users, and this
> potentially links people to the very internet connection itself.  The
> left in Europe has the same covert ideas.  We are looking at the loss
> of free speech in many parts of the world.  New IP should be ready for
> testing by early 2021.
> ___________________
>> It’s the 5G Stupid! British Nurse Speaks to 5G Killing Elderly in the
>> Hospital:
>> ___________________
>> ___________________
>> 4 minutes THE WORLD IS IN GREAT DANGER| 02/04/2020:
>> ___________________
>> COVID-19 Operation is here:
>> ___________________
>> FLU:Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
>> (8 languages):
>> <>(links
>> to all 8 languages)
>> ___________________
>> Reprise: Claire Edwards and Shai Danon discuss the New World Order
>> agenda and Coronavirus:
>> Full references are under the video and in the first comment
>> ___________________
>> ‘Conspiracy theorists BURN 5G masts’ as UK mobile network providers
>> are forced to deny ‘baseless’ claims that ‘radiation sparked
>> coronavirus’ as they spread online:
>> <>
>> * Mast in Birmingham erupted in flames last night and onlookers
>> claim it was arson
>> * Conspiracy theorists posted on Facebook claiming it was due to 5G
>> * Mobile network trade body called the conspiracy theories ‘baseless’ 
>> British mobile network providers have been forced to debunk
>> ‘baseless’ theories circulating online that 5G masts are linked to
>> coronavirus after several were set on fire.
>> MobileUK, the trade organisation representing Three, O2, EE and
>> Vodafone, added it was concerning the pandemic was being used to
>> further such untruths and said some of the industry’s key workers are
>> being abused over the unfounded 5G myths. 
>> It comes after videos emerged online of phone masts ablaze, including
>> one in Birmingham and one in Coventry.
>> Shocking footage posted to Facebook captured the moment the 70ft
>> (21m) masts erupted in flames, with firefighters dispatched to tackle
>> the inferno.  
>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 22.04.24.png___________________
>>> * HUNGARY: Victor Orban’s power grab in Hungary heightens fears of
>>> dictatorship in EU:
>>> Journalists and social media users face up to five years in prison
>>> if they are convicted of spreading “fake news”, including reports
>>> judged to “agitate or alarm” the public.
>>> Ministers insist the state of emergency is temporary and necessary
>>> to control the Covid-19 outbreak, in which at least 525 Hungarians
>>> have so far become infected and 20 have died.
>>> ___________________
>>> ID2020 Plans Digital Registration To Accompany Vaccines:
>>> <>
>>> Digital identity is a computerized record of who a person is, stored
>>> in a registry. It is used, in this case, to keep track of who has
>>> received vaccination.“We are implementing a forward-looking approach
>>> to digital identity that gives individuals control over their own
>>> personal information, while still building off existing systems and
>>> programs,” says Anir Chowdhury, policy advisor at a2i. “The
>>> Government of Bangladesh recognizes that the design of digital
>>> identity systems carries far-reaching implications for individuals’
>>> access to services and livelihoods, and we are eager to pioneer this
>>> approach.”
>>> ___________________
>>> UK media outlets told not to promote baseless 5G coronavirus
>>> theories`;
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> New Oxford Study Hidden By Mainstream Media: Millions Already
>>> Infected, Recovered, & Immune?:
>>> <>
>>> ‘A new Oxford study said that millions of people in the United
>>> Kingdom (and, therefore, in other countries) have likely already
>>> gotten the coronavirus, recovered from it, and are immune. But the
>>> mainstream media doesn’t want this information to get out, and some
>>> went to work quickly telling people “not to believe it.”
>>> A newer model, which predicts the progression of the novel
>>> coronavirus, set off governments’ reactions around the globe and has
>>> systematically ruined lives across the Western world (not because of
>>> the virus, but the reaction to it)
>>> <>. 
>>> Pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off
>>> alarms across the world and was a major factor in several
>>> governments to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford
>>> University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports
>>> <>.
>>> ___________________
>>> Patrick Wood – The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19
>>> Hysteria:
>>> <>
>>> People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is
>>> fighting it worth the destruction of the world’s economic and
>>> financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions
>>> of people? The story behind the story will make it clear that things
>>> are seldom as they seem.
>>> In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development,
>>> aka Technocracy, the whole world has just been punked and then
>>> panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
>>> The culprit? A world-class Technocrat in Britain: Dr. Neil Ferguson,
>>> PhD is a professor at Imperial College in London that bills itself
>>> as a “global university”. It is thoroughly steeped in Sustainable
>>> Development and more dedicated to social causes than academic
>>> achievement. In fact, Imperial is very well-known for its alarmist
>>> research reports on climate change, carbon reduction, environmental
>>> degradation, loss of biodiversity, etc. …
>> ___________________
>>> 3D to 5D Consciousness – Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS
>>> Activates Reserves, FED is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>> ___________________
>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at
>>> the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, /released a now-viral video
>>> <> in
>>> which he *calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective
>>> suicide”.
>>> */
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> Prof. Hamamoto and Lena Pu: 5G, COVID-19, 60GHz, and “social
>>> distancing”:
>>> ___________________
>>> Repost (there’s no proof that he did work for Vodafone and he gets
>>> the frequencies wrong, which is odd.  What is his motive for saying
>>> this?  I’m not saying it’s untrue, but I am not satisfied with the
>>> legitimacy or origins of this recording) – FORMER VODAFONE BOSS
>>> BLOWS WHISTLE ON 5G CORONAVIRUS (shorter version):
>> ___________________
>>> Boris Johnson To Pull Out Of Huawei 5G Contract Due To CCP
>>> Misinformation:
>>> <>
>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> 15 August 2019 – How the Georgia Guidestone Prophecy to Eliminate
>>> 93% of Population Will Likely Be Administered:
>> ___________________
>>> Technocratic Agenda Dominates COVID-19 Panic:
>>> <>
>>> The Corona Crisis has in a matter of weeks profoundly affected every
>>> aspect of life and become the perfect trigger event to kick-start
>>> the Great Digital Transformation with its “smart” solutions and
>>> stringent surveillance measures. In the wake of this crisis we now
>>> see rekindled calls for Global Government, a restructuring of the
>>> economic system, and an “opportunity” to include the European Green
>>> Deal in the stimulus package. This is a crisis which in record time
>>> can lead to a global Technocracy. To paraphrase Naomi
>>> Klein: /this/ changes everything!
>>> ___________________
>>> Coronavirus across Europe: An inside view as Europeans search for
>>> signs of hope:
>>> <>
>>> ___________________
>>> NEW LIVESTREAM ~ “Coronavirus & Global Lockdown” ~ LIVE ROUND TABLE
>>> Discussion (2) [Age Of Truth TV]:
>>> Steven Whybrow, Brad Olsen, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau
>>> ___________________
>>> Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots:
>>> <>
>>> As Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte fights to hold Italian society
>>> together through a crippling nationwide lockdown, the depressed
>>> south is turning into a powder keg.
>>> Police have been deployed on the streets of Sicily’s capital,
>>> Palermo, amid reports gangs are using social media to plot attacks
>>> on stores. A bankrupt ferry company halted service to the island,
>>> including vital supplies of food and medicines. As the state creaks
>>> under the strain of the coronavirus pandemic, officials worry the
>>> mafia may be preparing to step in.
>>> Preventing unrest in the so-called Mezzogiorno, the underdeveloped
>>> southern region that’s long lagged behind the wealthy north, has
>>> become the government’s top priority, according to Italian officials
>>> who asked not to be named discussing the administration’s strategy.
>>> _____________________________________
>>> When Coronavirus Emptied the Streets of Sardinia, Music Filled Them:
>>> <…>
>>> ___________________
>>> X22 Report: Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last –
>>> Episode 2137b:
>>> ___________________
>>> ___________________
>>> “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 03, 2020 09:35 am/
>>> By Tyler Durden The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan
>>> horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state.
>>> We’ve noted how governments …
>>> ___________________
>>> FCC Publishes Final Rule to NOT Update 24+ Year Old Wireless
>>> Radiation Guidelines — Petition Launched
>>> <>
>>> /Apr 02, 2020 08:42 pm/
>>> By B.N. Frank The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not a
>>> health or environmental agency – HOWEVER – they are supposed to
>>> protect Americans by…
>>> ___________________
>>> Insider from DHS/FEMA ~ “HARD” Lockdown USA Early as THIS Sunday!!
>>> No Leaving Homes, even for Food:
>>> ___________________
>>> *Gun stores refusing to close despite California Governor and
>>> sheriff orders*
>>> /After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun Stores – Activist Post
>>> <>/
>>> After Citizens Refused to Obey, Sheriff Reverses Decision to Close
>>> Gun S…
>>> Government is systematically removing your right to defend yourself
>>> during one of the most chaotic crises of our…
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest shutdown of churches during pandemic…
>>> */
>>> <>/*
>>> Pastor plans Woodstock-like outdoor Easter ‘blowout service’ to
>>> protest …
>>> As we’ve reported, two pastors have been arrested this week for
>>> continuing to hold large church services despite…
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Million Sold [Details]
>>> <>
>>> Gun Sales In March Are ‘Highest’ By Volume In US History, More Than
>>> 2 Mi…
>>> John Salvatore
>>> The Second Amendment is going strong…
>>> Good analysis here: Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The
>>> Final Battle:
>>> <>
>>> … Because his opponents had been looting the planet for 250 years
>>> through colonization insured by a military dominance, Vlad knew that
>>> he had to start by building an invincible military machine. …
>>> With a new and unmatched arsenal, he could proceed to defeat any
>>> NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September
>>> 2015 in Syria. He proved to every country that independence from the
>>> NWO banking system was now a matter of choice. Putin not only won
>>> the Syrian war, but he won the support of many New World Order
>>> countries that suddenly switched sides upon realizing how invincible
>>> Russia had become. …
>>> Ending in the conclusion that Putin now controls the all-mighty oil
>>> market, the unavoidable energy resource that lubricates economies
>>> and armies, while the banksters’ NATO can only watch, without any
>>> means to get it back. With the unbelievable results that Putin has
>>> been getting in the last five years, the New World Order suddenly
>>> looks like a house of cards about to crumble. The Empire of Banks
>>> has been terminally ill for five years, but it’s now on morphine,
>>> barely realizing what’s going on. …
>>> On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing
>>> brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow,
>>> this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western
>>> countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face
>>> the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in
>>> the lifesaving business these days: in the last week of March, he
>>> sent 15 military planes filled with doctors and supplies directly to
>>> North Italy, after an aid plane from China was blocked by the Czech
>>> Republic. …
>>> The New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the
>>> planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how
>>> desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with
>>> nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to
>>> stop them now.
>>> Terminate the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Central
>>> bank, the EU, NATO, now. Our world won’t be perfect, but it might
>>> get much better soon.
>>> Easter resurrection is coming. This might get biblical.
>>> ______________
>>> RUMOUR: “Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Israeli TV
>>> that the pandemic “might take two months, it might take three
>>> months, it might take a bit longer but that is the plan.” Then we
>>> have a Rabbi telling the Jews not to worry because the coronavirus
>>> is “only for the goyim.” 
>>> <>
>>>> In Austria as of two days ago there was a new law that said that
>>>> you have to wear a mask when you go into a supermarket.  They’ve
>>>> now postponed it until 6 April as they don’t have enough masks. 
>>>> Ain’t no way I’m going to put one of those masks on.  They could be
>>>> “contaminated with covid-19″ as well.
>>>> In Portugal, it was postponed until 17 April, but the national
>>>> radio forum, where people phone in to talk their minds, right after
>>>> the decision was taken by parliament, people were not agreeing with
>>>> politician in several ways, it was so bad that the programme
>>>> usually runs 1 hour, it stop after half an hour. They’ve one
>>>> mission and it is clear as day light, obey, you need the vaccine.
>>>> The narrative is falling apart, for the people this is not more
>>>> than a flu, and they are seen everything the state to do it wrong,
>>>> Hospitals were falling apart in January, if all this were true it
>>>> could not stand as much pressure as they said. So it is clearly
>>>> another Orson Welles’s”The War of the Worlds” (1938 radio drama). 
>>>> They do not learn and they are wrong because, people is not so
>>>> stupid after all.
>>>> _________________________________
>>>> World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence Plan (NWO):
>>>> <>
>>>> Por detrás da quarentena está a ideia para se habituar a este
>>>> plano: World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence
>>>> <>
>>>> Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 02.18.44.png
>>>> ___________________
>>>> *Jon Rappoport and Catherine Austin Fitts: major Coronavirus
>>>> announcement to my readers: *Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed
>>>> three audio presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at
>>>> the following link: click here
>>>> <>.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> UK: checking flu and covid deaths: Public Health England (PHE), a
>>>> summary report on influenza and other seasonal respiratory
>>>> illnesses which is updated on a fortnightly basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> Please also see the published source by PHE which provides data on
>>>> COVID-19 cases which is updated on a daily basis, and it includes
>>>> the number of deaths:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> KEEPING SPIRITS UP: Musician Vinnie Caggiano is in the midst of the
>>>> California lockdown, but he’s not taking it lying down. Instead,
>>>> he’s live streaming a new video series from his apartment: Love Is
>>>> Contagious: The Live Stream Home Concert Covideo Series
>>>> .
>>>> Today he joins us to talk about his effort and the importance of
>>>> spreading love, music and creativity in the time of coronavirus.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Sacha Stone Update On Virus, 5G and Fall of Cabal:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Coronavirus & Anti-Christ connection, POTUS Activates Reserves, FED
>>>> is Dead, Quarantine Extended:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> China seals off 640,000 people amid fears of new coronavirus
>>>> outbreak:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Police App Encourages People To Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay
>>>> At Home Orders
>>>> <>/Apr
>>>> 02, 2020 10:59 am/How do you encourage people to turn on each other
>>>> during the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer is not that complicated,
>>>> especially if you…
>>>> _________________________
>>>> Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker
>>>> As Pandemic Prep Escalates:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> PETITION*- Could unchecked government power be more dangerous
>>>> than the threat of infectious disease?:
>>>> *
>>>> <>
>>>> Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders are being instituted
>>>> daily across the country. Some are more restrictive than others,
>>>> with violations deemed a criminal offense subject to fines and/or
>>>> jail time in certain areas. As of March 31, these restrictions
>>>> have affected approximately 265 million people in 32 states, 80
>>>> counties, 17 cities, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico,
>>>> according to an interactive map published by the New York Times.
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Nick Pineault, The EMF Guy: Fact #1: We’re Locking Down Entire
>>>> Countries To Stop the Coronavirus… And The Consequences Are (And
>>>> Will Be) /Disastrous/:
>>>> <>
>>>> Fact #2: “Confirmed” Cases Of COVID-19 Are… Well… Not-So-Confirmed
>>>> *Testing Problem #2: Up to 80% false positives?*
>>>> *Testing Problem #3: The WHO & world governments have
>>>> /complete/faith in these clearly inaccurate tests*
>>>> Fact #3: “Confirmed” Deaths From COVID-19 Are Not-So-Confirmed Either
>>>> Fact #4: The WHO’s Panic-Inducing Death Rates Are Akin To Comparing
>>>> Apples To Oranges
>>>> Fact #5: Overall Mortality Rates From Respiratory Infections Have
>>>> Still Not Increased Significantly
>>>> Fact #6: A Slew Of International Experts Warn That The Danger Of
>>>> COVID-19 Has Been Dangerously Overblown
>>>> Fact #7: The Data Confirms That Lockdowns Are Possibly Useless &
>>>> Surely Damaging
>>>> Fact #8: Things Are Getting Better, And Better, And Better
>>>> ___________________
>>>> //Same pics for different contries? Covid 19:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Kommt die Zwangsimpfung zu Covid 19, schweizer 20 Min. berichtet:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Petition · 5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in
>>>> Canada until Govt can prove it’s safe. ·
>>>> <…>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Neo Chan – YouTube
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> David Wilcock on Pandemic part IV – answering viewers’ questions:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Age of Truth panel discussion on all of this with Brad Olsen, Steve
>>>> Whybrow, Donald Jeffries, Julius Grantzau: Friday, 3 April 8 p.m.
>>>> European time – watch the link to find world times:
>>>>   To watch the panel
>>>> discussion click on “Age of Truth” to go to the Age of Truth
>>>> Youtube page
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ESSENTIAL READING: UN wants power to impose 10% tax for
>>>> coronavirus:
>>>> <>
>>>> Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling
>>>> this a global coupdoes not know me very well. I do not buy into
>>>> conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or
>>>> conjecture. I have *WARNED*that we are facing a leftist coup of
>>>> major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real
>>>> threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced
>>>> with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional
>>>> misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous
>>>> flu season in China.
>>>> The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind
>>>> this coup as well. The death toll if far less than the annual flu
>>>> (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist
>>>> agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their
>>>> managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their
>>>> families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine
>>>> but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to
>>>> treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
>>>> The United Nations has now produced a *26-page report*
>>>> <>outlining
>>>> an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of
>>>> COVID-19 and the *DESTRUCTION*of the world economy that has been
>>>> intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been
>>>> using *Climate Change*to try to create a one-world government
>>>> order, but they have run into way too much resistance. *Climate
>>>> Change*is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows
>>>> them to threaten that people will die *IMMEDIATELY*unless they
>>>> surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was
>>>> to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do
>>>> that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take
>>>> them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany
>>>> to *nationalize companies*
>>>> <>since
>>>> they cannot bail them out. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Reprise with addition – *Doctors on the fake coronavirus pandemic*
>>>> Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview
>>>> where he reiterates
>>>> that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the
>>>> interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than
>>>> good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial
>>>> article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes
>>>> hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
>>>> <>”.
>>>> Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in
>>>> German history — published a video
>>>> where
>>>> he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian
>>>> measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be
>>>> justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally
>>>> dangerous virus is threatening us. *Do any scientifically sound
>>>> data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer
>>>> is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine]*
>>>> Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former
>>>> consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates
>>>> in an article
>>>> <>that
>>>> “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over-estimate”, and that “*the
>>>> measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause
>>>> for alarm, unless it demonstrates /excess/deaths*[emphasis mine] –
>>>> 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.”
>>>> “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar
>>>> Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews
>>>> <>and
>>>> contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with
>>>> corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so
>>>> that children and their parents can become immune through infection
>>>> with the corona virus. *The continuation of the strict measures
>>>> would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives*,
>>>> [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG
>>>> <>)
>>>> Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 – CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 – LIAR LIAR PANTS ON
>>>> FIRE:
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus
>>>> Measures Are “Draconian” (Video):
>>>> <>
>>>> Surveillance: Dr Mercola – New App Requires Reporting of People
>>>> Sneezing or Coughing:
>>>> <>
>>>> This piece is our annual April Fool’s article. Unfortunately,
>>>> nearly everything in it is true. While Google is NOT releasing an
>>>> app called “Corona Waze,” the World Health Organization is indeed
>>>> developing a COVID-19 app that has been described as “Waze for
>>>> COVID-19.”^36
>>>> All other details are true, and describe a rapidly-approaching
>>>> reality in which personal freedoms are decimated to “protect” us
>>>> all from an infectious disease. To avoid this dystopian future, it
>>>> is imperative that we fight to protect and preserve our right to
>>>> privacy — be it medically related or not — both online and offline.
>>>> Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI ~ “INVENTOR OF EMAIL! World Crisis & Political
>>>> Power Structure”[Age Of Truth TV]:
>>>> Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and “coronavirus”:
>>>> (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan:
>>>> (INT) Dr. Klinghardt:
>>>> (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short)
>>>> (and
>>>> long/full)
>>>> Nobel-prize-winner DR. LUC MONTAGNIER ON CORONAVIRUS!:
>>>> (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic
>>>> of 1918:
>>>> (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman:
>>>> (US) Dr. Sircus:
>>>> (US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns
>>>> ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress
>>>> Dissent:
>>>> <>
>>>> (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus:
>>>> (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l’Institut
>>>> Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses:
>>>> (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg:
>>>> <>
>>>> Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic:
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> IFUR – Institut für Urfeldforschung
>>>> <>- Eine völlig neue Sicht auf
>>>> Corona und COVID-19:
>>>> <>
>>>> *Corona COVID-19: Symptome durch 60 GHz Frequenzen?
>>>> Wir werden systematisch vorgehen …*
>>>> 1.
>>>> 60 GHz (Gigahertz)-Frequenzen … Werden die überhaupt verwendet?
>>>> Von wem?
>>>> * Anwendungen im industriellen Bereich
>>>> * 60 GHz Frequenzen und der Sauerstoff unserer Luft
>>>> * Anwendungen über Satelliten, militärisch und auf
>>>> Kreuzfahrtschiffen
>>>> 2. Ein Zusammenhang von 60 GHz Frequenzen zu COVID 19?
>>>> 3. Weiterführende Fragen
>>>> 4. Literarische Merkwürdigkeiten
>>>> 5. Ein erfreulicher Ausblick
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> UK newsletter for electrohypersensitives: page 18 forward, good
>>>> material, but everything is good material
>>>> <>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and
>>>> Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio), 30 March 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Now, the big headline that people are getting hung up on is the
>>>> merger of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury into one
>>>> organization, implying that they were separate independent
>>>> organizations at any point ever. … But the bigger news is that
>>>> BlackRock’s involvement. … Like the 2008 crisis led to a lot of
>>>> issues in the economy, but not it, not just in the economy, in the
>>>> political world as well. It it it actually pushed people on both
>>>> ends of the spectrum away from the kosher center. Right. You get
>>>> people that are more interested in a Donald Trump than a Jeb Bush.
>>>> … And if they can steal the election, they will. But they didn’t
>>>> count on Donald Trump. … he’s been fully brought to heel … So
>>>> this means that the Treasury, formerly not implying formally, is
>>>> going to be buying all the securities and backstopping loans and
>>>> the Fed is going to be acting as the banker providing the
>>>> financing. But really, it’s just one entity. They’re doing both.
>>>> But the new the new kid on the block is BlackRock and BlackRock.
>>>> We’re going to talk a lot about BlackRock here in a minute. But
>>>> they have agreed to purchase these securities and handle the
>>>> administration of the S.P. v.’s on behalf of the Treasury. … The
>>>> Fed and Treasury are being consolidated and then run by BlackRock.
>>>> .. they have their hands in just about every corporation …
>>>> This essentially means that that the presidential administration,
>>>> Donald Trump, will have more control over what happens with the
>>>> Fed. … that essentially puts the levers of power from Steve
>>>> Manoogian directly in the hands of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner.
>>>> … Well, isn’t it funny how as of Monday, March 23rd, all U.S.
>>>> stock markets officially closed their trading floor and went to
>>>> purely electronic trading? Is that funny? Amazing. So, you know,
>>>> it’s better to have human traders on the floor. Most people agree
>>>> with this. The problem with computers is they cause prices to
>>>> fluctuate. … And essentially, the entire stock exchange is
>>>> managed by a guy installed by Goldman Sachs. And a large portion of
>>>> the electronic trading that is done is actually being done out of
>>>> Israel by a super derivatives. … it’s actually very Orwellian and
>>>> controlled by a handful of people. In fact, just a couple of
>>>> companies really sit at the top … BlackRock is the top investor
>>>> in Goldman, along with Vanguard and strict State Street right after
>>>> them. So together, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street own 20
>>>> percent of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, in turn, is who did the
>>>> startup for ICE and then installed SPRECHER is the NYSE CEO. So in
>>>> effect, BlackRock controls Goldman and Goldman controls Hertz Stock
>>>> Exchange. And it’s pretty, pretty hilarious. And when you look at
>>>> BlackRock itself, founded in nineteen eighty eight by Larry Fink,
>>>> who is still the CEO, Larry Fink is Jewish. I… It seems like all
>>>> these guys are Jewish. The entire corporate board of BlackRock …
>>>> they don’t need like who needs sovereign nations and government.
>>>> Like government is just like for these people, just something
>>>> that’s getting in the way and this consolidation of power in the
>>>> center of power in the United States and basically installing
>>>> BlackRock as the new operating system on top of the Fed and the
>>>> Treasury is exactly I mean, it just put it all together and you can
>>>> figure out what’s going on. … They own they own $58 billion worth
>>>> of Microsoft, $54 billion worth of Apple. Forty five billion
>>>> dollars worth of Amazon, $26 billion worth of Johnson and Johnson.
>>>> Twenty four billion worth of Facebook. Twenty two billion worth of
>>>> alphabet. Twenty two billion worth of Exon. … Twenty two billion
>>>> worth of JP Morgan. I mean, it’s of Bircher Hathaway. It just goes
>>>> on down the line. Pfizer, Visa, Intel, Netflix, Wal-Mart,
>>>> Starbucks. They own they are the third largest shareholder of
>>>> Lockheed Martin, second largest shareholder of Boeing, the fifth
>>>> largest shareholder of General Dynamics. You have Raytheon,
>>>> Northrop, McKesson, Huntington, Ingles, L-3 Technologies. Like this
>>>> is all part of the the military industrial complex media. …
>>>> They are the second largest shareholder of AT&T, which now includes
>>>> Turner Broadcasting, HBO, CNN and Warner Brothers. It’s like this
>>>> one company now might as well make it all simple. Walt Disney
>>>> Company, which includes ABC, Fox News A and E, ESPN, Lucasfilm and
>>>> Marvel. BlackRock is the second largest shareholder. Comcast
>>>> Charter Communications, 21st Century Fox, which is now owned by
>>>> Disney. Thompson, Reuters. CBS Dish Network. Viacom. Right. We’re
>>>> talking about the Black Rock with with Vioxx. I mean, and we’ve
>>>> talked about the CEO of Viacom and how this is all blending
>>>> together. And if you’re wondering why BlackRock is the second
>>>> largest shareholder for a lot of these positions, it’s because, as
>>>> I said, the first is often Vanguard. …
>>>> they all are working in lockstep on this. … a lot of people think
>>>> that America’s this. Big collection of free market capitalism where
>>>> all these companies are competing with with one another …
>>>> BlackRock has that they want fewer white people in positions of
>>>> power and positions of influence. And of course, as we know, this
>>>> is not going to to be applied towards the white people that are in
>>>> charge of BlackRock. …
>>>> So this is the system when we talk about the system. This is the
>>>> system. So you have President Donald Trump. A lot of his donors are
>>>> BlackRock is the largest or third largest or second largest
>>>> shareholder. Mike Pence. A lot of his donors. …
>>>> This is why this is why you will not succeed at trying to climb the
>>>> political ladder. …
>>>> how do we like mount political opposition and run candidate to get
>>>> in? And, you know, wave magic wand, defeat this political machine. …
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Something about Guterres but i can’t get access, in German:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> Jon Rappaport: *major Coronavirus announcement to my
>>>> readers*Exposing the scam, I’ve just completed three audio
>>>> presentations about COVID-19.  They are available at the following
>>>> link: click here
>>>> <>. 
>>>> With the cooperation of Solari[dot]com and Catherine Austin Fitts,
>>>> we’re making these presentations available to you, and to people
>>>> around the world.  The series is titled: THE CREATION OF A FALSE
>>>> Episode 1: HOW IT STARTED
>>>> Readers have been asking how they can help.  Listen to the
>>>> presentation, send out the link to others.
>>>> Exposing the COVID-19 covert operation is more important every
>>>> passing day.
>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>> <>
>>>> François de Siebenthal
>>>> Ajoutée le 29 mars 2020
>>>> Des vidéos de protestations violentes dans la province du Hubei en
>>>> Chine commencent à apparaître (et disparaître très vite) des
>>>> réseaux sociaux chinois. La Police est prise pour cible, la
>>>> population semble remontée contre les autorités, des agents sont
>>>> lynchés et battus par la foule, des véhicules de police détruits,
>>>> des renforts sont en train d’être déployés dans différentes villes.
>>>> Les scènes sont très confuses et difficiles à suivre, les sources
>>>> se contredisent, on voit même différentes forces de polices
>>>> s’attaquer entre elles, l’une faisant front commun avec le peuple,
>>>> l’autre tentant de résister.
>>>> Apparemment, la police de la province du Jiangxi a attaqué la
>>>> police du Hubei et ses citoyens à la frontière des deux provinces,
>>>> car celle-ci laissait passer les gens alors que la première leur
>>>> refusait l’accès à la province.
>>>> On entend des cris “libérez-nous” par le peuple sur différentes
>>>> vidéos, il semblerait que des mois de quarantaine forcée
>>>> militairement ont chauffé les esprits.Ce qu’il faut comprendre,
>>>> c’est que la population du Hubei est exaspérée par des mois de
>>>> répression et que ça commence à se ressentir.
>>>> Time Magazine s’empare de l’affaire des urnes funéraires et remet
>>>> en cause les chiffres officiels chinois.
>>>> Les doutes à propos de la version officielle du gouvernement
>>>> chinois gagnent du terrain.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, et
>>>> <>…
>>>> Les chinois détruisent aussi des caméras de surveillance et
>>>> éteignent leurs téléphones, plus de 41 millions d’abonnement ont
>>>> été supprimés !
>>>> 4 vidéos de violences récentes en Chine, publiées ce 29
>>>> mars
>>>> <…>
>>>> Videos of violent protests in China’s Hubei province are beginning
>>>> to appear (and disappear very quickly) from Chinese social
>>>> networks. The Police are being targeted, the population seems to be
>>>> rising against the authorities, agents are being lynched and beaten
>>>> by the crowd, police vehicles are being destroyed, reinforcements
>>>> are being deployed in different cities.
>>>> The scenes are very confusing and difficult to follow, the sources
>>>> contradict each other, we even see different police forces
>>>> attacking each other, one making common front with the people, the
>>>> other trying to resist.
>>>> Apparently, Police in Jiangxi province attacked Hubei police and
>>>> its citizens on the border of the two provinces, as the latter let
>>>> people through while the former denied them access to the province.
>>>> We hear cries “free us” by the people on different videos,it seems
>>>> that months of forced military quarantine have heated minds.What
>>>> you need to understand is thatthe Hubei population is exasperated
>>>> by months of repression and it’s starting to feel.
>>>> Time Magazine takes over the funeral urns case and challenges the
>>>> official Chinese figures.
>>>> Doubts about the official version of the Chinese government are
>>>> gaining momentum.
>>>> Sources: Coronavirus Info LIVE, and
>>>> <>…
>>>> The Chinese are also destroying surveillance cameras and turning
>>>> off their phones, more than 41 million subscriptions have been
>>>> removed !
>>>> 4 videos of recent violence in China, published this March 29:
>>>> <…>
>>>> ____________________________________
>>>> ITALY – repriseand newbelow
>>>> Composite map – data from
>>>> <>(coronavirus
>>>> cases, 9 March) and
>>>> <>(most
>>>> antennas are 4G rather than 5G, but see 5G antenna maps of Italian
>>>> cities below)  Note: this map is indicative only as the nperf
>>>> website allows only one telco’s antennas to be displayed at any one
>>>> time.
>>>> Interaction Italy – antennas & coronavirus cases .png
>>>> Italy 5G 2.4.20 Bologna Milan Naples Rome Turin.png
>>>> Italy 5G rollout as of 1 April 2020:
>>>> <>
>>>> Vodafone launched 5G
>>>> in Italy
>>>> in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin,
>>>> and Rome.The company plans to roll out 5G to 100 cities by 2021.
>>>> There are several 5G phones you can buy through Vodafone’s website
>>>> <>.
>>>> TIM (Telecom Italia), the largest telecom provider in Italy, made
>>>> 5G available inNaples, Rome, and Turinas of July 5, 2019. Their 5G
>>>> network went live in another six cities before the start of 2020
>>>> <>:
>>>> Milan, Bologna, Verona, Florence, Matera, and Bari. By 2021, 120
>>>> towns and cities will be covered with TIM’s 5G network.
>>>> Iliad <>, in partnership with Nokia
>>>> <>,
>>>> will deploy 5G across Italy.
>>>> It is known that viruses can be modified with microwave signalling.
>>>> Thus, it can be reasoned that if a new set of microwave signalling
>>>> (such as the advanced 5G Internet of Things (IoT) roll-out in Wuhan
>>>> and Wenzhou late November 2019 was capable of modifying extant
>>>> ambient viruses to ones that became “novel” and hence for which
>>>> there is little immunity assembled in human populations.
>>>> It would be very worthwhile to conduct scientific test to check
>>>> whether this indeed did occur – and I believe such testing can be
>>>> enacted rigorously and in due form for formal evidence.
>>>> The other aspect is the potentially predatory and
>>>> combinatory nature of heterodyning signalling of multiple
>>>> bandwidths and waveforms on the central nervous system.
>>>> Still another aspect is associated with the weakening of immunity
>>>> with the addition of ever new frequency bands with each new
>>>> “generation” of wireless communication technology. This may become
>>>> apparent and clarified as to the exact range of parameters
>>>> of affectation with meticulous analysis such as overlaps indicated
>>>> in Italy – 5G siting & certain community coronavirus (and even
>>>> other health issues) case reporting.
>>>> NEW: Italy
>>>> <>
>>>> The flu season is known to be particularly deadly in Europe,
>>>> especially because of its aging population
>>>> <>.
>>>> During the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 flu seasons, more
>>>> than 68,000 italians died. It’s also known that hospitals in
>>>> Northern Italy have been overwhelmed
>>>> <>in
>>>> recent flu seasons, and that Italians ICUs are known to run at
>>>> 95-98% capacity
>>>> (source: Prof.
>>>> Ioannidis from Stanford) every Winter.
>>>> As of March 26th <>,
>>>> …the latest European monitoring report
>>>> <>on overall mortality continues
>>>> to show normal or below-average values in all countries and all age
>>>> groups, but now with one exception
>>>> <>: in the 65+
>>>> age group in Italy a currently increased overall mortality is
>>>> predicted (so-called delay-adjusted z-score), which is, however,
>>>> still below the values of the influenza waves of 2017 and 2018.
>>>> This goes against the common perception that “thousands of people
>>>> have been killed by COVID-19 in Italy” and, for the moment,
>>>> supports the idea that a lot of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are
>>>> in fact due to a slew of other factors including the seasonal flu,
>>>> respiratory illnesses and other pre-existing conditions.
>>>> Dr. Wodarg explains <>:
>>>> *Even in Italy, without the new tests, the annual problem in the
>>>> flu season would be observed [emphasis mine]: *undersupply, an
>>>> aging population, many deaths due to hospital infections,
>>>> tightness, lack of staff and a high level of antibiotic resistance.
>>>> A positive SARS-CoV-2 test is largely only a secondary finding.
>>>> Influenza is still much more dangerous for weakened patients, but
>>>> is hardly noticed.
>>>> _____________________________
>>>> Staying Safe at Home During the Corona Crisis: Tips for Reducing
>>>> Your Family’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation:
>>>> <>
>>>> ___________________
>>>> Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
>>>> Technologies: How Safe Are We?: 
>>>> <>:
>>>> ___________________
>>>> WARNING: view with caution: Adrenochrom – Xavier Naidoo weint um
>>>> unsere Kinder:

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