Please UNITE!
Australia needs your help NOW!
The plan is simple, Australia is being taken down by lawless politicians and unelected bureaucrats . There is a Supreme court hearing tomorrow and a media blackout. Not many know about this and this is our only hope.
We have AFL solicitors and G and B lawyers as well as Senator Craig Kelly who are heroes to all who know what they are doing .What we need is for the link below to go viral and get as many hits as possible, so the Supreme Court is aware that the World is watching and it may keep them honest. This is the last stand. The Case starts at 9.30 am in Sydney please watch or at least hit the link at 9.30-9.45 AM Sydney NSW Australian time. please share link and pray. its all about the numbers. Pass it on!
Thank you from Australia xx
In other words, please click on this link as soon as you get this email and send on to others to also click on this link to show them that the world is watching. Thank you!

New items added every day at
A selection of recent postings
- Articles 5G & wireless technology
- Aerospace and aviation industries beg for “short-term solutions” to avoid air travel safety issues caused by 5G technology, 29.8.21
- EU Science & Technology Options Assessment Committee (STOA) calls for halt to expansion of 5G, July 2021 (link to report)
- Vaccinated individuals show radioactivity that could make unvaccinated ill, 1.9.21
- The effects of electromagnetic frequencies on the blood and biological terrain by Dr. Robert O. Young, 7.4.20
- Is this why Graphene Oxide was put into the Covid vaccines for connecting to 5G Grid Magnetofection? 27.8.21
- La Quinta Columna on Covid deaths that were treated as radiation sickness, 20.8.21
- Notes: Cathode-Anode-Cathode structure found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial, 24.8.21
- Video: Cathode-anode-cathode structure found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial, 24.8.21
- Graphene oxide in vaxxines would make bodies into atomic bombs that could go off when hit by electromagnetic waves from satellites, antennas, phones, etc., 6.8.21
- Last word on masks – comprehensive information on the dangers of masks
- This is how people should be: police officers respond to elderly woman in need, pitch in to buy her a new fridge, groceries, 6.8.21
- The UK government’s actions caused a huge spike in deaths and created panic in order to usher in controls over the population
- New Zealand bill: no business with the unvaxxed! 5.9.21
- Mike Yeadon: “We’re standing at the gates of hell”, 2.9.21
- The Monotti Protocol: “At the peak of coronavirus season at least two thirds of Covid-19 cases which led to severe disease or mortality were in people who were in or had visited a hospital”, 23.3.21
- So many laws broken on so many levels – with Senior Lawyer Anna De Buisseret, 12.8.21
- The British war on Christianity, 3.9.21
- Governments Must Pay $800,000 in Legal Fees to Church for COVID-19 Overreach, 2.9.21
- Mercola: Why the WHO is a corrupt unhealthy organization, 4.9.21
- Recruiting concentration camp guards, 16.8.21
- This is how people should be: police officers respond to elderly woman in need, pitch in to buy her a new fridge, groceries, 6.8.21
- Deagel depopulation targets (%)
- Share of people vaxxenated against “Covid-19”, 4 Sept. 2021
- Dr Bryan Ardis – more Americans died in 2020 from “Covid” than in any other country – because they were murdered, 6.9.21
- The horrifying American roots of Nazi eugenics, Sept. 2003
- Death sentence – special thanks to Dr. Rick Bright, 20.6.21
- Death Sentence Dr. Zelenko: restriction of HCQ cost 500K American lives, 15.6.21
- Stop the Holocaust: letter from survivors (Versión en español: Detengan el Holocausto – carta de los supervivientes)
- Most secret intelligence agency Deagel forecasts 70% depopulation of US by 2025 – to 100 mil.
- Military members with natural immunity file class action lawsuit to block mandates, 3.9.21
- Corona Enquiry: Reiner Fuellmich, Mike Adams & Viviane Fischer, 17.8.21 – “The whole vaxxine hysteria is a cover story to convince people to subject themselves to euthanasia”
- Drag sail could stop spacecraft turning into orbital hazards, 7.9.21 Oh, yeah? Really?
- Graphene oxide in vaxxines is to build Musk’s neural lace for transhumanism, July 2021
- Frenchman can charge his phone after taking the second Pfizer shot, 31.8.21
- Magnetogenetics- engineering a genetically encoded magnetic protein crystal, 25.9.19
- Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system, May 2016
- The Internet of Bodies ends bodily autonomy, 30.8.21
- The Build Back Better dystopia described in 2016: “Welcome to 2030: I own nothing, have no privacy and life has never been better, 10.11.16
- Tokyo’s Medical Assoc. Chairman holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients, 23.8.21
- Besides fetal deaths, breastfeeding babies are dying and becoming sick following mothers’ Covid shots, 6.9.21
- Fact check: the FDA approved Ivermectin for humans in 1996, 7.9.21
- Website: 10 reasons why, when it comes to Covid-19 vaccination for children, it’s safer to wait
- Video: Safer to wait: protecting children’s health, 30.8.21
- Protest letter re jabbing children to MP & Whitty, 5.9.21
- Parents’ vaxxine non-consent notice
- ALERT: all children ages 12 to 15 to be injected with Covid-19 shots in UK schools with or without parental consent, 26.8.21
- People’s Union of Britain’s Three Notice Process To Stop Schools Vaxxing Children, 27.8.21
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