To watch or read, go to and click on the image If you no longer wish to receive information about the Stop 5G campaign from this source, just click “Reply” and say so. Thanks! Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d’informations de cette source sur la campagne Stop 5G, cliquez simplement sur “Répondre” et me […]
Premiere NOW! ~ ROSA KOIRE – R.I.P ~ “A Freedom Fighter & Pioneer Forever Remembered”
Age Of Truth TV ROSA KOIRE – R.I.P ~ “A Freedom Fighter & Pioneer Forever Remembered” PREMIERE!!! – ROSA KOIRE – R.I.P. on AGE OF TRUTH TV – TODAY !!! JOIN US – LIVE-CHAT DISCUSSION: “A Freedom Fighter & Pioneer Forever Remembered” [Age Of Truth TV] WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY, JUNE 23th & 24th – 2021 […]
It’s a global agenda so take note of what is happening in Italy / C’est un programme mondial, alors prenez note de ce qui se passe en Italie / Es ist eine globale Agenda, also nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, was in Italien passiert
MARIO DRAGHI IS ABOUT TO ESTABLISH A MARXIST DICTATORSHIP IN ITALY JUNE 23, 2021 EDITOR LEAVE A COMMENT by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Mario Draghi is about to become dictator for life, in Italy, in my opinion. And here are the steps by which he will make it happen, according to my sources. First, he […]
Fasten your seat belts: the truth is coming out / Attachez vos ceintures : la vérité éclate au grand jour / Schnallen Sie sich an: Die Wahrheit kommt ans Licht
Go to and click on the images to watch the videos Dr. Sevillano on magnetofection, 20.6.21 (5 minutes) Amazing Polly: Magnetic nanoparticles in the injections, masks and swabs, 17.6.21 (42 minutes) Why the vaxxed are acting strange, 22.6.21 (19 minutes) Pharmacist tells vaccine horror stories. CVS Pharmacy pays $6,500 a week to euthanize people, 16.6.21 (63 minutes) […]
Mushrooms, bacteria and graphene to produce electricity
Magnetofection: Big Pharma Injecting Graphene Oxide As Adjuvant In COVID Jabs!: Coronavirus masks containing graphene should not be sold, Canadian health authorities say: Warnings Over Masks That Contain Graphene: Excerpt from “End of the Road for the Germ Theory” by Fergus Frank, 9.5.21: In the late 1920s, Royal Raymond Rife invented a microscope called the […]
A selection of international instruments showing the illegality of what is happening: space and neuro-rights are of particular concern / Une sélection d’instruments internationaux : le droit de l’espace et les droits neurologiques sont particulièrement préoccupants / Eine Auswahl an internationalen Instrumenten: Weltraumrecht und neurologische Rechte sind besonders besorgniserregend
INTERNATIONAL LAW MICROWAVE RADIATION, HUMAN HEALTH, BIOETHICS, HUMAN RIGHTS – INCLUDING NEURO-RIGHTS – PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS, WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY, 5G & 5G SATELLITES, SPACE Ever since “Covid” started, it has been obvious to me that everything that governments are currently doing as part of the “Covid” agenda is wholly illegal. In order […]
The magnetofection conspiracy unravels, 17 June 2021 Bingo! The conspiracy to commit genocide through the “Covid” scam unravels day by day. Now we find out that the crook who made the fake “Covid” PCR test shares the same address with a company that may be responsible for causing people to become magnetic by supplying products not intended for human use to […]
Versión en español – Transcript: UK Doctor – The Covid-19 Experimental “Vaccines” and Genocide, 10.6.21 / Transcript Médecin britannique – Les “vaccins” expérimentaux Covid-19 et le génocide / Transcript Britische Ärztin- Experimentelle Covid-19 “Impfstoffe” und Genozid
Transcripción Médico del Reino Unido- Las vacunas experimentales de Covid-19 y el genocidio:–genocide.html Descargar PDF: Transcripción Médico del Reino Unido – Las “vacunas” experimentales de Covid-19 y el genocidio ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Monday, June 14th, 2021 at 20:15, Stop5GAppeal <> wrote:
4 items of news on vaxxenations
Click on images at for this information Member of parliament in Finland warns government that they are guilty of genocide for misleading public on Covid-19 injections, 16.6.21 Share of people vaxxenated against Covid-19, 14.6.21 Almost a third of patients who died after catching Indian ‘delta’ variant had both jabs as fears of third wave grow, 13.6.21 […]
4 must-watch videos on vaxxines (including Eric Clapton)
These are four must-watch videos: Dr. T makes the connection among vaxx nanoparticles, 5G/wireless tech & genocide Jon Rappaport connects the vaxx & depopulation Mike Yeadon comprehensively explains why the vaxx are killers & all governments & their scientific advisers are mass murderers Eric Clapton speaks as a thinking and caring human being with a […]