Update: Should UN staff take a Covid vaccine? / Le personnel de l’ONU devraient-ils se faire vacciner avec un vaccin Covid? / Sollten sich UN-Mitarbeiter gegen Covid impfen lassen?

Should UN staff and other international civil servants take a Covid vaccine? Le personnel de l’ONU et les autres fonctionnaires internationaux devraient-ils se faire vacciner avec un vaccin Covid ? Sollten sich UN-Mitarbeiter und andere internationale Beamte gegen Covid impfen lassen? I am recirculating my letter to UN medical insurer Allianz because, although I have […]

Ahora también en español: Los médicos están cometiendo un crimen contra la humanidad / Physicians are engaging in a crime against humanity / Les médecins – un crime contre l’humanité / Ärzte – Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit

Estimado Prof. Dr. Alojz Ihan, dr.med. Con el fin de evitar consecuencias legales respecto a las personas que no hayan sido debidamente informadas antes de vacunarse contra el Covid-19, se ruega informar al Presidente y a los miembros de la Cámara de Médicos del documento adjunto.  Solicito a la Cámara Médica que publique mi artículo […]

The Final, Irrefutable Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic Never Existed / La preuve définitive et irréfutable que la pandémie de Covid-19 n’a jamais existé / Der endgültige, unwiderlegbare Beweis, dass die Covid-19-Pandemie nie existierte

The Final, Irrefutable Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic Never Existed Text: http://www.vernoncoleman.com/main.htm Video: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/final-irrefutable-proof-that-the-covid-19-pandemic-never-existed_JmPw8cUxQG1w7NP.html   I am tired of the lies and misconceptions that have been spread about covid-19 during the last twelve months. I’ve lost count of the number of ways that politicians and journalists have attempted to mislead the public. One of the […]

Physicians are engaging in a crime against humanity / Les médecins se livrent à un crime contre l’humanité / Ärzte sind an einem Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit beteiligt

Slovenian doctor: “Mandatory or conditional involuntary vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 cannot under any circumstances be ethical or legal, and the involvement of physicians in involuntary intervention, treatment and/or vaccination is prosecuted under international law. … Violation of the Declaration of Helsinki is a serious crime under international law and constitutes a crime against humanity, punishable ex officio […]

Message from Prof Fourtillan quoting Attali on the need for genocide / Message du Prof Fourtillan citant Attali sur la nécessité d’un génocide / Nachricht von Prof. Fourtillan mit einem Zitat von Attali über die Notwendigkeit eines Völkermords

Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan has once again been arrested and risks being sent again to a psychiatric hospital. He is appearing before the judge today.  Here is his latest message, quoting from Jacques Attali, who is Jewish and was a close friend of President François Mitterrand and a mentor to President Macron, who is also Jewish.  […]

President Magufuli of Tanzania: La mort étrange de celui qui avait défié l’OMS / Public health mafia eliminating opposition? Magufuli is not the first! / Die Gesundheitsmafia eliminiert die Opposition? Magufuli ist nicht der Erste!

Video: Amazing Polly: Public health mafia eliminating opposition? Magufuli is not the first!https://www.bitchute.com/video/SXDvSnDwUe3Y/Video: Amazing Polly:: La mort étrange de celui qui avait défié l’OMShttps://rumble.com/vfoxsh-la-mort-trange-de-celui-qui-avait-dfi-loms.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=JeanneTraduction&ep=1 Amazing Polly does her usual fine job of research and connects a lot of important dots, but she does not make it clear that in the case of the sudden and […]

Fuellmich explains all (English, French and German / Fuellmich explique tout : 3 interviews (en anglais, français et allemand) / Fuellmich erklärt alles: 3 Interviews (auf Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch)

Reiner Fuellmich: ‘We Have The Evidence’, 15 April 2021: https://principia-scientific.com/reiner-fuellmich-we-have-the-evidence Cette pandémie a été mise en scène : Vidéo de 43 : https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-entretiens/video-debriefing-reiner-fuellmich Fuellmich hat den Knackpunkt erkannt: https://uncutnews.ch/hammer-update-von-dr-reiner-fuellmich/ These are short, summary interviews where he summarises everything he has learned and ends on a message of spirituality and hope.  We can’t help those who choose death through the non-vaccines, […]

UPDATE: Dr. Tom Cowan: las ondas milimétricas 5G son un arma para hacer que la gente enferme con Covid / 5G MM waves are a Covid weapon / Les ondes MM 5G sont une arme Covid / 5G Millimeterwellen sind eine Covid Waffe

Dr. Tom Cowan: las ondas milimétricas 5G son un arma para hacer que la gente enferme con Covid Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G millimetre waves are a weapon to make people sick with Covid Dr Tom Cowan: Les ondes millimétriques 5G sont une arme pour rendre les gens malades avec la Covid Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G millimeterwellen […]


ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG! – APPELL VON BEATE BAHNER AN DAS DEUTSCHE VOLK! WAKE UP, GERMANY – BEATE BAHNER ATTENTION ! – APPEL DE BEATE BAHNER AU PEUPLE ALLEMAND !! https://www.bitchute.com/video/98zsOQrzrj3J/ Translation: German Chancellor Merkel plans in the next week an end to the infection protection law.  With new para. 28 (b) for all provinces, and towns, […]