New: The For Life on Earth Show (The FLOE Show) Weekly Livestream on Rumble
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The FLOE Show is intended to be a series of conversations about what is really going on on the planet right now and how we move forward.
The name of the show is pronounced “flow” and the show will go with the flow of conversation and events.
We hope to have different guests each week and we invite the participation of the audience through the chat box.
The first show is entitled The FLOE Show 1: Who’s pulling the strings on the Great Reset global putsch?
and the conversation was among campaigners Jolie Diane, Claire Edwards and Rachael McIntosh.
Thank you to Jolie for singing the native American water song that introduces and ends the show.
The second show in the series is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, 25 August at 7 p.m. CET, 6 p.m. London, and 1 p.m. New York
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New postings every day at
- The FLOE Show 1: Who’s pulling the strings on the Great Reset global putsch?
- Articles 5G & wireless technology
- In historic, decision, federal court orders FCC to explain why it ignored scientific showing harm from wireless radiation, 13.8.21
- Former Vodafone boss blows whistle on 5G Coronavirus, 4.2.20
- Financial expert George Gammon explains how globalists plan to take your home, 17.8.21
- Putting Kids First – Helping Parents Address School Mandates
- Pass sanitaire – comment résister
- 7-minute cure for Covid misinformation (testimony of Dr. Dan Stock), 7.8.21
- Top 10 Pandemic Fables, 13.8.21
- MUST-WATCH – scrubbed from the Internet: Knowledge NOT Sustainable! – UN Agenda 21/2030
- A Clarion Call to the Men of our World – It is Time to Restore the Sacred Masculine! 14.8.21
- The Psychology of Power – How to Dethrone Tyrants, 19.7.20
- Most secret intelligence agency Deagel forecasts 70% depopulation of US by 2025 – to 100 mil.
- German doctors: kill shot & blood analysis under microscope, 17.8.21
- Dr. David Martin makes explosive claims of ‘patented genocide’
- Dr. Zev Zelenko slays globalists, exposes “global genocidal event” which will kill 75-90% of the vaxxed, 13.8.21
- Andalusian court rules against Covid-free proof for entry to nightlife venues
- In historic, decision, federal court orders FCC to explain why it ignored scientific showing harm from wireless radiation, 13.8.21
- Dr. Lee Merritt joins the Health Ranger to discuss vaccine mind control & medical madness, 7.2021 (very interesting conversation!)
- Dopey Australian MP Victor Dominello thanks hospital staff for Bell’s Palsy, 17.8.21
- Stew Peters & Dr. Jane Ruby: German doctors examine blood & vials: horrific, 18.8.21
- Swiss university finds AstraZeneca vaxxine two thirds contaminated, June 2021
- Taliban have banned Covid vaccine in East Afghanistan’s Paktia – lucky Afghans! 13.8.21
- DARPA was secretly developing the mRNA vaccine years ago through Moderna, and they seek permanent control over your body and bloodline, 17.8.21
- Navy commander warns of national security threat from mandatory vaccination of US military, 19.8.21
- Doctor explains “shedding” or transmission from vaxxenated to unvaxxenated, 27.5.21
- Former Pfizer VP warns: Dr. Michael Yeadon discussed recent findings indicating that experimental Covid-19 vaccines concentrate in a woman’s ovaries and induce an ‘autoimmune attack’ on the placenta, 5.8.21
- 57 top scientists & doctors release shocking study on Covid vaccines & demand immediate stop to all vaccines, 17.8.21
- Australia: Max Igan: “Blockade everything!” 18.8.21
- WEF dystopian video – your prison future spiced up with enticing music
- The Pentagon is experimenting with AI that can predict events ‘days in advance’, 5.8.21
- Graphene Integrated Photonics (GIP) optical devices that aim to enable 5G to support rapidly increasing global data traffic volumes for 2024-2025
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