Austrian government & parliament – criminal complaint re pandemic corruption and illegality / STRAFANZEIGE GEGEN DIE GESAMTE BUNDESREGIERUNG, ALLE ABGEORDNETE UND DEN BUNDESPRÄSIDENT

*Austrian government & parliament – criminal complaint re pandemic
corruption and illegality*

Screen Shot 2020-12-16 at 01.47.29.png
*Austrian Chancellor/Criminal Sebastian Kurz*

*Subject*: *deception, abuse of office, breach of the Constitution,
fraud, abuse of protective orders, assault, corruption and coercion (of
Austrian citizens) criminal case* against Sebastian Kurz, Rudolf
Anschober, Karl Nehammer, Alexander Van der Bellen and all named members
of the National Parliament.
Betreff: *Täuschung, Amtsmissbrauch, Verfassungsbruch, Betrug,
Misshandlung von Schutzbefohlene, Körperverletzung, Korruption und
Nötigung (der Österreichischen Bürger)*

KANAL Markus Haintz, lawyer & civil rights activist
Forwarded from deGrillo <>
TODAY + + + +

Due to a large number of misconduct by the Austrian government, the
intervener takes over the legal representation by bringing this criminal
complaint, of one or more official offenses, as a voice threat of a
citizen community. On 15.03.2020 the first Lockdown was imposed, of the
above mentioned 4 people (Sebastian Kurz, Werner Kogler, Rudolf
Anschober and Karl Nehammer), who were called to recognize the infection
as dramatic and to follow the recommendation WHO (a non-governmental

With 190 affidavits from supporters from Austria, the ad gets the
necessary pressure to investigate here.

No matter what comes out of our action, all lawyers are now asked to do
it right away.

Short Version Display:

Entire display (330 pages) with evidence / attachments:

Confirmation for entering criminal complaint:

The documents are to be used freely and without demand. The burden of
proof has been placed on the prosecution by means of the Corona
Foundation committee, lawyers for information and research, which I have
collected over the last 9 months.

Due to:
Subject: deception, abuse of office, breach of the Constitution, fraud,
mistreatment of persons under protective orders, assault, corruption and
coercion (of Austrian citizens)

Criminal case against Sebastian Kurz, Rudolf Anschober, Karl Nehammer,
Alexander Van der Bellen and all named members of the National Council.
because of §83, § 84, § 92 StGB, §105, 108, §146, 147, 148 StGB, §302
StGB, §307a StGB.


*Konstantin Haslauer *Leberstraße 100/9 1110 Wien Mobile: +43 676 310 08
90 Skype: tino1901 E-Mail:
<>ATU 520 69 504



An Zentrale Staatsanwaltschaft zur Verfolgung von Wirtschaftsstrafsachen
und Korruption Dampfschiffstraße 4 A – 1030 Wien

*To Central Prosecutor’s office for the prosecution of economic crimes
and corruption*



*Subject*: deception, abuse of office, breach of the Constitution,
fraud, abuse of protective orders, assault, corruption and coercion (of
Austrian citizens) *criminal case against Sebastian Kurz, Rudolf
Anschober, Karl Nehammer, Alexander Van der Bellen and all named members
of the National Parliament*. because of §83, § 84, §92 StGB, §105, 108,
§ 146, 147, 148 StGB, §302 StGB, §307a StGB.


*Entry*: Konstantin Haslauer geb. 19.01.1967 resident in a-1110 Vienna
Leberstraße 100/9


*Dear Public Prosecutor!*

* *

*Referring to the above-mentioned facts, the intervener brings various
misdemeanors closer to the prosecutor’s office by means of evidence.*



The ad agent is Konstantin Haslauer geb. 19.01.1967 resident in a-1110

Leberstrasse 100/9, sole proprietor CEO Karrierepilot24 Group &
Management Board / Owner of Public limited company PROMKC24 A. s Holding

The recipient is Mr. *Sebastian Kurz*geb. 27.08.1987, Place Of Work:
Ballhauspl. 2, a-1010 Vienna, *Federal Chancellor of Austria*

The recipient is Mr. *Rudolf Anschober*, born in 1928. 21.11.1960 Place
Of Work: Stubenring 1, A-1010 Vienna, *Minister of health of Austria*

The recipient is Mr. *Karl Nehammer née Keller*. 18.10.1972, Work
Location: Herrengasse 7, A – 1010 Vienna, *Minister of the interior of

The candidate is Mr. *Alexander Van der Bellen*born in 1928. 18.01.1944,
Work Place: Hofburg Imperial Palace, Ballhausplatz 1010 Vienna,
*President of Austria*


Are to be reported in complicity:

*All members of the Austrian Parliament.*




Due to a large number of misconduct by the Austrian government, the
intervener takes over the legal representation by bringing this criminal
complaint, of one or more official  offences, as a voice threat of a
citizen community. On 15.03.2020 the first Lockdown was imposed, of the
above mentioned 4 people (Sebastian Kurz, Werner Kogler, Rudolf
Anschober and Karl Nehammer), who were called to recognize the infection
as dramatic and to follow the recommendation WHO (a non-governmental


This meant that by amending/adapting the Epidemic Act of 1954 (EpiG) due
to the thus recognized severity of a pandemic, the obligation to pay
compensation for enterprises ceases. By issuing a ban on professional
practice, the suspension was decided at a special meeting of the
government. The amendment stated that the claimants should be supported
with a grant/alms from the government, rather than the compensation
would come to bear. From this point in time, the entrepreneurs were
obliged to act as petitioners and the claim for damages was thus
dismissed by the state.


All warnings from entrepreneurs, experts, economists or specialist
groups, could not stop the crisis staff of the 4 people, represented by
experts who were not named, from declaring this Lockdown. It should be
mentioned that the WHO downgraded the pandemic criteria already in 2009,
which led to the well-known swine, bird flu pandemic. With CoVid19 you
can see the same approach of the WHO, drugmakers and pharmaceutical
industry that has already been practiced once.


As a nation state, it is now beyond question that a recommendation of a
WHO non – governmental organization, 80% of which is privately financed,
is to follow this recommendation “not obedient” without examination,
contrary to a majority of experts outside the government crisis staff.
It was also the WHO that published the Drosten PCR Test for the
detection of the novel virus CoVid19 and at the 20.01.2020 has
published. Unhindered to enter into a scientific discourse here, as well
as violating the requirement of Public Health, the Drosten PRC Test was
used as a blueprint to detect infections. As the following evidence
shows, this is a false statement that the PCR Test can only detect a
component / debris of a virus, so the result for the subject is called ”
tested positive (is not an infection).


From a positive test, neither an infection can be derived, nor whether
this can be recognized as a multiplied viral load (strands of nucleic
acid), because this can also be a remnant of an already survived
infection. Thus, it is clear that a test is illegally used which is not
considered a legally and approved valid diagnostic procedure.


At the press conference on 30.04.2020, parts of the crisis team were
presented for the first time by Mr. Anschober, Mr. Univ.Prof. Dr. Franz
Allerberger from AGES explained the risk of contagion using the example
of “ISCHGL”. But it was significant that Mr. Anschober with his signs
brought an abnormal risk representation and drama in his remarks,
contrary to Mr. Univ.Prof. Dr. Franz Allerberger has made it clear with
his presentation that he sees no problem, that the reproduction number
is 1.1 and is falling.


The intervener immediately filed a criminal complaint with the public
prosecutor’s office in Vienna, since apparently the Austrian population
of Mr. Anschober and Mr. Kurz acted with false facts. It is also known
that the government acted with a panic papers, this was developed in the
cabinets. A quote from Mr. Kurz “100,000 dead there will be, everyone
will know one who died of Corona”.


Since 15.03.2020, the parliament has been disempowered by the Enabling
Act that granted Mr Anschober sole authority in this emergency(which has
lasted for 9 months). It will only continue with
ordinances(predominantly unconstitutional VGH Verteilungen see nachf.)
and press conferences. The government Logig of Mr. Kurz following “he
determines at the press conferences what one must do” Mr. Anschober may
then subsequently submit faulty regulations. *Mr. Kurz’s statement that
one cannot and will not pay attention to fundamental rights and the
Constitution also creates the idea of totalitarian leadership.*All
government members are sworn to the Constitution and serve the people.
To tolerate and legally covered, it would be, if it was a matter of
“life and death”, but that was on 30.04.2020 ready obviously already
known. Then why maintain this emergency?


After more than 3 months one could lead a normal life conditionally, but
the collateral damage was very high. To name just a few in approach, the
accompaniment of dying was prevented, violence in families increased
extremely, suicides exploded, psychologists were overrun, economic
destruction of small and medium-sized businesses, enormous unemployment
and deaths due to shifts in operations / therapies.


Proportionality test failed, it was put the CoVid health over the
economy and already ill in society. The crisis unit of the 4 persons
concerned has not published any evidence for the figures as to why these
measures were necessary. After this first Lockdown, these points were
heavily criticised by the Opposition in parliament, but Mr Kurz rarely
attended these debates. Again and again came the same arguments CoVid
sufferers are more dangerous (statement from terrorism, by Mr. Nehammer)
and must be fought by all means. This disease CoVid19 is a flu virus and
the mortality, who study is equivalent or even lower than that of influenza.


Now “Kurz” the saviour came to the 120th press conference with the
statement “there is light at the end of the tunnel”, but at the same
time he warned of a second wave. One has obviously learned nothing from
the 1. Lockdown, statement Kurz and Anschober one is well prepared,
because Austria has managed best to get out of this crisis. With 762
deaths, government measures have worked excellently, as in Israel (not
Europe and a Fassanden democracy). Kurz goes on; he knows the way out of
the crisis, only with complete monitoring by means of App and access
systems you can fight the virus.


The truth is on a different page from the 4 people who were
appropriated, 50 billion in new debts were taken up (one the “question:
Where does the money come from”) in order to cover up this
maladministration. According to the press conferences, only two of them
have been published. 30% – 50% of the funds retrieved, this because the
bureaucracy and the distribution of responsibility among institutions
such as WKO and COVAG GmbH have been outsourced. Here is an intention to
recognize that, for example, at COVAG GmbH as the central funding
agency, the was set up where the parliament has no audit
authority,….interesting why do you do this? Suspicion of corruption is!


Where have the billions gone, why do they not reach the entrepreneurs,
but only if one wants to weaken the economy consciously and
deliberately. Whereby the groups, e.g. also the German group such as
Lufthansa, more precisely “AUA subsidiary” was supported with 700
million funding, without concessions or obligations for the group. This
is only on to value edge as a motive, which is much more significant in
this ad, is Drosten PCR Test, the sole basis/cause of the government for
the Lockdown and all other measures taken. As an implementation
strategy, constitutional violations and restrictions of fundamental
rights, as a normative of the BK, became the rule.


The intervener now followed every parliamentary session as well as the
committee of inquiry, where the “Deep State (black networks of the ÖVP)”
could now also be clearly recognized for every citizen, what is going
wrong in Austria or with the governing parties. It could now be expected
that the measures would reduce the risk of a false “Lockdown” policy in
the summer was to be cancelled, but no den the game of the rulers went
on cheerfully.


Mr. BK Kurz has repeatedly invited the paid media to so-called
background discussions (not all media here either) in order to structure
the ÖVP self-presentation media campaigns. The aim of the talks was, how
can we save ourselves over the summer and then lock up the citizens
again in the autumn?Now behold “the 2nd wave” has now been recovered, a
media construction with payment by tax money.


No doctor in the world has ever seen a 2nd wave of a virus that a virus
brings a new mutation into the world every year. Here, too, unscientific
action, only to prepare the economy and the population….since you are
sure the government makes with the game in autumn continues. With high
requirements (nonsensical and illegal) in the gastronomy and in the rest
of the public area, the summer was survived halfway. The press
conferences continued throughout the summer every 3-4 times a week were
innovations of the CoVid regulations adopted, once loosening and another
time with new aggravations.


One wonders WHY, on 22.07.2020 and 01.10.2020, *nearly all ordinances
were repealed as illegal by the constitutional court because of
insufficient evidence/data.*The shook neither the Federal President nor
the 4 co-defendants, it was again a new CoVid19 regulation on the travel
sent. No judgment in the world can drive this so quickly comply, but the
president and the media usually do.


Why does nothing happen here, this is just one of the questions that the
citizens have asked themselves.


The 2nd Lockdown has already been calmly prepared from September, no
matter how many experts worldwide or even the WHO have expressed
themselves on the topics, e.g. information on virus isolate, mask
obligation, lockdown or collateral damage were shown. But no matter this
regime of the 4 co-defendants could not be dissuaded from the 2nd
Lockdown. The trick was again to negate the new lockdown plan, to make
the Opposition stupid and to put the actor “the PCR TEST” in position
again. Now it started with up to 35,000 test reports a day were
generated so-called “infections/postive tested, these all no longer
comprehensible and coordinated by means of a Zoom Conference of the
counties every day at 9 o’clock.


Since one does not use a digital system, the numbers were hand-modeled
(statement of the crisis staff), to put it differently, purposefully
manipulated.This is to be refuted, every citizen has an “ELGA file” and
the recording of the results would be technically possible at any time.
But this is not desired, the one with a paper economy can be better
covered up.


Now we come back to CoVid19, the virus that seemed to take us by surprise.


If you assume that a mutation has already occurred in September /
October, what do you test there? Now to all the details and evidence the
enrollment goes further below, but in advance, the CDC Center for
Disease Control USA has confirmed on 08.10.2020 that to date there is no
virus isolate. If it is clear that the PCR test cannot detect
infections, what are the publications of AGES and the Ministry of Health
for infections?


This knowledge was fully presented by the intervener to the deputies and
nourished with evidence. This not only one-off but with some MPs in a
lively mail exchange. But each member has received a total of 3 Mails on
his parliamentary e-mail to fill the knowledge deficit. The 4
co-defendants with a lack of transparency and cover-up this deficit was
deliberately caused, accordingly, by the intervener with the
corresponding facts/evidence, everything was brought back into a true light.


The intervener also saw an open letter to the federal president as his
obligation. Mr Van der Bellen is the Supreme Constitutional defender who
can intervene here. Now our suspicion has also been expressed that Mr.
Kurz has made arrangements with the federal presidents and influenced
the case of Ibiza, new elections and the coalition negotiations can.


Through his silence and the opportunity for enlightenment, the federal
president expresses himself around a personal conversation with the
group of the intervener of scientists, entrepreneurs, citizens and doctors.


Thus the full extent of this CoVid19 crisis becomes clear, it is no
longer about health but about power. This was confirmed by some members
of Parliament entering into a personal conversation, this a unanimous tenor:


/Sebastian Kurz acts according to the example of Israel and tramples on
the constitution and democracy. The Green party, Mr Vice-Chancellor
Kogler and the Federal President stand by and do nothing. Once in power,
you don’t want to leave./


“No matter what it takes” thus, the intervener closes the introduction
into this Causa and goes into a proof and his duty to inform as a
citizen, where the criminal offences of the 4 accused, federal president
and the accomplices the deputies of the parliament, due to public
interest (all to lead as official offences) of the citizens of Austria,
now makes this necessary.


*Presentation of facts and evidence on the following topics:*


1. The *PCR Test*; this Test was developed according to the Nobel
laureate Kary Mullis, and is only used as a laboratory test, not
suitable for the diagnosis. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is based
on the principle of “separating, coupling and copying” on the cyclically
repeated doubling of DNA with the help of a thermostable DNA Polymerase
and nucleotides. Today, PCR is indispensable for the detection of viral
load, hereditary diseases, the creation of genetic fingerprints and the
cloning of genes, among other things. This PCR Test is mistakenly used
by the government as a basis for the detection of infections, this is
now abused and used with intent, where the criminal offence of
commercial or gang-related Serious Fraud§146, 147, 148 StGB would be


2. The *mask obligation*here prescribed by the government of a harmful
action, without the this is an effect on a protection against a viral
load. The in the CoVid19 regulations of the Ministry of health, calls on
all citizens, school-aged, employees of companies and all officials to
enter a *health hazard*for the benefit of third parties. *These orders
were annulled by the constitutional court as illegal*, but nevertheless
the government/ regime continues to adhere to this measure.This order is
a *violation of the Constitution / violation of fundamental rights*and
abuse of office §302 StGB, as well as a coercion §105 and appeals after
permanent wearing of an MNS mask of a personal injury§83, §84 StGB. It
is still necessary to extend the mistreatment of protégés §92 of the
Penal Code, since the children are forced by the teaching body to wear
masks. By lowering the oxygen saturation in the blood, can even kill
children in Trigemino-Cardiac Reflex. The Ministry of Education states
in a clearly unlawful order that the faculty is not liable. Misleading
officials, because after the student enters the school, the faculty and
school assumes the duty of supervision of the student body.


3. *Deception of the population*; already at the 30.04.2020 was at the
press conference by Mr. Anschober and crisis, a member of Univ staff.
Prof. Dr. Franz Allerberger communicates different points of view. Mr.
Anschober emphasized the need for lockdown, although Mr. Univ.Prof. Dr.
Franz Allerberger shows the official figures in order to bet on
all-clear. Another point was the measures of the interior minister Karl
Nehammer, who instrumentalized the police due to a press conference to
punish lockdown sinners (sitting on the park bench) without legal
coverage. The Federal Chancellor briefly instructed the media and the
crisis team to act by means of a fear paper, one should scare the
citizens only then they are docile. [NOTE: THESE TACTICS WERE ALSO USED
IN THE UK AND GERMANY.]These deliberately spread falsehoods and fear
propaganda corresponds to a constitutional violation and abuse of office
§302 StGB, as well as the deliberate deception §108 StGB.


1 BM-education arrangement:


4. *improper use of taxpayers ‘ money*; if now after the first Lockdown
it is clearly true that only a doctor can detect an infection, as
described in the epidemic law (epig) of 1950. An infection is diagnosed
only by a doctor different types of tests can be used. Section 5 (1)
describes the exact procedure for the detection of an infection. Without
a medical examination and taking into account laboratory Tests (incl.
Methods of exclusion and differential diagnosis of other diseases, e.g.
related Corona strains and Influenza), A diagnosis is diagnosed by the


A total of 3,149,372 PCR tests were carried out from 27.02.2020 to
03.12.2020, a sum of 110,228,020- EUR was spent , as well as a further
67 million EUR for the mass test campaign. These funds were made without
qualified tendering processes and standardization of the PCR
Test(specifications for the correct results, deviating from the Drosten
Tests). The expenditure must contradict the principle of
appropriateness, goal orientation and economy. This PCR Test and Antigen
Test are used as a basis for the determination of an infection that has
been used abusively as well as with intent, the criminal offence of
commercial or gang-related fraud §146, §147, §148 StGB would be derived


5. *Payment of media to deceive the citizens*; Chancellor Kurz – No
reporting to outside invited on the 30.10.2020 to the background
conversation. The citizen must be able to learn what has been discussed
and agreed upon here.


Afterwards you could see how the mainstream media suddenly spread the
fear and panic again. With special broadcasts and additional budget this
was possible. APA news from 14.05.2020 Vienna (OTS / SK) – “saving in
the system means for Sebastian Kurz always saving with the others and
never with himself”, criticizes SPÖ deputy Julia Herr in view of the
exorbitant increase of the representation expenditure in the Federal
Chancellery from 270,000 euros to 1.2 million euros in the budget
proposal 2020.


Millions more on. This is not proportionate from the point of view of
the economic crisis and is to be regarded as corruption§307a StGB.
Funding the media from government with taxpayers ‘ money can only create
with cuts in other budget items.


6. *Lockdown 2 / light*; now for 3 months we have been increasingly
trying to provide the MPs with all Documents knowledge from external
experts in order to prevent another “Lockdown”. A recent study by
Stanford University explored the question of the mortality rate of
COVID-19 patients.


The result: this should be lower than previously assumed. According to a
recent study by the US Elite Stanford University, which analyzed data
from 61 completed studies on this topic, the average death rate for
COVID-19 sufferers is 0.23 percent. Thus, we are at the level of
knowledge, *mortality is to be equated with the flu/Influenza.*


Also the VGH judgment of 22.07. and 01.10.2020, which confirmed
regulations as illegal, we have sent this information to all parties
with urgency, unfortunately with minimal response. Thus, one can speak
of abuse of office, no answer is also an answer.


The basis of a 2nd Lockdown was thus not guaranteed and caused Austria a
temporary damage intentionally. An abuse of office §302 is to be
reproached here.


7. *Forced vaccinations & immunity*; a rapid development of a vaccine
should be the goal, to end the state of emergency/authorization of the
Minister of health and the connected measures immediately. Here, a
vaccination plan has been developed by the government, although approval
of the vaccine still seems far away, it has no clear data.


Many experts such as Prof. Hockertz and Dr. Wodran warn about allowing
these vaccines to be approved in the form of an emergency approval in
the EU. There is not sufficient data, high immune reactions we e.g.
*cytokine storm*is to be expected, *pregnancy termination*, influence on
immune-compromised persons, as well as this vaccination an increased
severity of an infection can arise.


In cooperation with Mike Yeadon (former member of the board of
directors), a ban ono registration was developed. Head of Pfizer, Prof.
Hockertz and Dr. Wodran at the EMA. *Every testing Institute, authority,
doctor and every government member involved in these officially
recommended massive vaccinations, make themselves punishable within the
framework of the personal injury*§83, §84 StGB, as well as the aid of a
commercial or gang-related fraud §146, §147, §148 StGB with the
pharmaceutical industry.


In this summary of criminal law, the evidence on the individual points
is now presented. All the evidence and submissions currently submitted
to the prosecutor’s office serve to carry out a presentation of evidence
quickly and easily. All surveys are on an expert basis, from courts and
experts thus indicate that there is a “danger in default” and that
action must be taken.


Health, life and death, extreme economic upheavals and the country’s
inability to pay are at stake.

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