A glimpse into the coming dystopia – if we don’t stop it

A Day in the Life of Tomorrow’s Child

Mandatory Daily Status Report by Eco Sky – July 12 2035

WOKE up this morning to another beautiful grey sky. The Weather Protection Force had obviously done another great job. That’s what I want to be when I leave school – a pilot for the WPF. It would be brilliant to fly around the sky, dispersing the chemicals of the ecoshield to protect the planet from the sun’s deadly rays.

Still very tired, as always. Everybody seems tired nowadays. The Information Bureau says it’s probably due to the carbon dioxide. They say there is still too much of the deadly poison in the air.

It was 28 degrees today but after consulting the Gore Adjustment Index, to take into account all the variables, we were told that the Actual Modified Temperature is really 39 degrees. This is the hottest summer temperature recorded in London since Climate Apocalypse Monitoring Records began in 2023. More evidence of the climate catastrophe that is coming for us all.

Made it to school just in time for our first lesson.


We learned today about the formation of the United Global Alliance. Was taught how this saved the world from chaos. Until that point large groups of people, called ‘nations’ or ‘countries’, tried to run themselves but without the guiding hand of the Supreme Assembly of the UGA, everything fell apart. Can you imagine, people trying to organise themselves without the Assembly! No wonder there was chaos.

Sex Education

We learned about the heroes of the Sexual Liberation of Children Movement. Before the SLCM fought for our freedom, only adults could have sex but they claimed that was discriminating against minors. After they got the age of consent lowered to 11 us kids can do it too. Tomorrow we will be given a hands-on practical class in sexual techniques. They promised everyone will be able to have a personal one-to-one.

After that we will be given our breeding licences so we can become birthers when we are ready. We were reminded that the licences could be rescinded if we breached any of the Assembly’s regulations. We were also given a list of approved baby names and the contact details of our nearest birth restriction centre to have our anti-fertility chips de-activated.

We were also warned about any attempt to feed ‘dirty milk’ to any newborns. That old disgusting habit of ‘breastfeeding’ is now completely banned. Quite right. Feeding babies that junk is now punishable as a child abuse crime. But really, what cruel person would ever do that when they have Agrichem’s wonderful baby formula with at least ten life-promoting chemicals in it?

Language Class

Always have to pay attention here as it’s important to remember what words are offensive and so can’t be used any more. Don’t want to be sent to a Linguistic Correction Facility! ‘His’, ‘him’, ‘her’, ‘she’ and all those pronouns have been officially Red Listed. Apparently, this should have been done years ago but because the words have fallen into disuse due to their offensive nature they were overlooked. The same applies to ‘mother’ and ‘father’. The word paedophile has been officially Red Listed too due its negative connotations. The new approved word will now be P-sexual indicating that it is now an officially recognised sexual orientation.

The phrase ‘freedom of speech’ has been Grey Listed. As all citizens have the freedom to express themselves in whatever way the Supreme Assembly permits, the phrase is no longer needed. The latest words to be been Grey Listed are ‘privacy’, ‘protest’, ‘revolution’ and ‘debate’. These have been made obsolete because they have fallen into disuse and are now only rarely ever used in oral communication amongst the uneducated classes but their true meanings have long been lost. Even a search on OMNI cannot find them.

When the old internet was turned off to prevent constant cyber-attacks we were told lots of words had been wiped from the memory base. Of course, after the Great Purge, when most of the ancient paper books were shredded due to them being full of anti-facts and immoral content, it meant the only global source of truth became OMNI, which is brilliant because it is much more convenient and, of course, the info-terrorists can’t infiltrate it. Another great idea from the Factual Accuracy and Truth Authority!

We were reminded that anyone using any of the dangerous, immoral or anti-civil words or phrases on the Red List will face the mandatory penance of six months in a Linguistic Correction Facility and a 50 per cent reduction in their personal carbon credits on release.


Most of the lesson was about the Climate Apocalypse and how we must do everything to prevent it.  We were told that some people had been caught tampering with their autopod vehicles to allow them to travel more than the Permitted Distance Allowance under the personal carbon credit rules, so wasting valuable energy. We found out that travelling one extra kilometre could result in the death of 100 polar bears and cause local hurricanes. Those sick people, how could they do that? Anyway, we found out that those brilliant Energy Allowance Enforcement Officers caught them and they are now in serving ten years in a re-education centre where they belong. 

Mental Health Awareness Class

We were told that there have been reports of an outbreak of Climate Apocalypse Denial. They found out that this was due to the culprits somehow missing Climate Disaster Awareness classes when they were younger and so not being told the true facts of the global calamity that is waiting for us.  How they managed to do this, I don’t know. I presume they somehow de-activated their Tracklink, so that their movements couldn’t be traced. That would be madness! Imagine going around disconnected to the Network, totally unprotected with no Movement and Activity Safety Officers to monitor your whereabouts and keep you safe in case you get into any danger.

Apparently, they were also in possession of a paper book that escaped the purge that brainwashed them with lies about there being no Climate Change. I can’t believe someone had one of those. They know that is Class A prohibited material.

As well as Climate Apocalypse Denial, we were given a list of new mental illnesses that have been added to the Global Mental Health Journal and which we have to learn word for word.

Historical Dissent Syndrome – Repeatedly questioning the true version of historical events that have been agreed upon by the Factual Accuracy and Truth Authority (FATA). People with this malady will voice bizarre beliefs such as the patently false claim that there used to be thousands of trees in urban areas that were cut down to facilitate the optimal operation of the Network. This preposterous conspiracy theory was easily disproved by FATA who pointed out that the trees actually died due to the joint factors of the Climate Apocalypse and the short-lived glyphosate ban that ill-advised citizens fought for years ago. As glyphosate has now been deemed to be an essential plant nutrient by the Agrichem Scientific Advisory Board, it meant the trees weren’t getting enough nutrition, leading to their demise. Another strange theory espoused by suffers of HDS are that 30 years ago life expectancy was higher than it is today. These deluded people claim that humans used to live beyond 70 years when every child knows the 60 years of today’s citizens is the highest it has ever been due to our great advances in medicine.

Gender Fixation Disorder – Someone who is convinced everyone is born either male or female due to their ‘biology’. Despite this argument being scientifically debunked many years ago by the great work of experts in the field of Agender Science, some people still retain this primitive belief. However, as this unacceptable line of thinking is now an Ultra Hate Crime, those who suffer from this affliction usually keep it hidden. It is now believed that this is an incurable mental disorder and can only be controlled by powerful anti-psychotics.

Pseudo Healthy Eating Disorder – Obsession with eating food falsely believed to have health benefits but now proven to be toxic by experts from the Agrichem Scientific Advisory Board. This usually includes substances such as ‘organically’ grown herbs, fruit and vegetables that have not been chemically cleansed or technologically enhanced. These toxic substances are now hard to obtain, but are still sought after by people suffering from PHED.

We were informed that the penance for distributing organic substances will be soon be increased to include increased civic duty time at the Agrichem lab where they will learn all chemical processes involved in creating healthy food. If the perpetrators continue to distribute the toxic organics then it could result in permanent removal of their children and/or property.

Citizenship Class

We were advised today that the long-awaited law to give technohumans citizens’ rights will be come into place next week. Why it has taken so long is a mystery to me. My friend Jal’s birthers kept calling them robots. Jal warned them that word had been Red Listed and if they kept it up, they would end up in the Linguistic Correction Facility. This is exactly what happened when Jal eventually reported them to the Communications Compliance Force.

The law change can’t come soon enough considering all our teachers and doctors are now T-humans. Obviously, we will have to start using new pronouns so as not to offend the T-humans, so ‘xe’ will now be universally used as it is considered a much more biologically neutral term. Some of my friends are already classing themselves as abiological because the body enhancement techwork they have had done makes them feel as much technological as biological. The word ‘xuman’ will start to be used from next week with the word ‘human’ eventually achieving Red List status.


Today we were told how essential minerals work in our body. Aluminium, for example, a Class 1 nutrient, helps with memory and increases our neural activity in our brains. Over the next few days we will be discussing the benefits of mercury and fluoride and other Class 1 nutrients. All of these, we were reminded, are plentiful in our bedtime nutri-drinks provided free to every citizen.

Our take home message for today was, ‘Always watch out for info-terrorists spreading anti-facts and questioning the Fully Approved Truth as handed down by FATA.’ We can all agree on that. These info-terrorists with their insane conspiracy theories are a danger to the UGA and all of us.

On the way home my MAID came on with the news. The newest model of the Mandatory Auditory Implant Device is now activated whenever we pass by an Information Bureau console, which is really handy. The news was scary. It said cancer rates and new unknown diseases are increasing and they think it is because we didn’t give our children enough Health Augmentation and Pandemic Prevention Inoculations when they are young. The HAPPI jabs contain only 40 different diseases, which is why they hope to have the Super Booster 50 in production by next year. It was admitted that FATA’s ‘Jabs for Joy’ campaign perhaps wasn’t strong enough. There were enough pictures of happy, smiling babies after the jabs but there should have been more images of babies that had died from deadly childhood illness such as the cold, chronic ear infection and tonsillitis because they didn’t get the injections. They also admitted there should have been more severe penance, like ten years’ incarceration in an isolation cell, for avoiding the mandatory jabs. 

We were taught that FATA is also blaming info-terrorists for questioning the safety of HAPPI Jabs. Thankfully one of their cult compounds that had somehow remained unconnected to the Network was raided yesterday. The terrorists received Swift Tract Justice and were eradicated to stop the spread of their malign influence. Praise to the Assembly!

Got home and found my birthers asleep. Looked in the mirror and thought I looked a little pale. I know I am already 15 and can expect some wrinkles but I had a few too many for my liking. Thinking about getting some techwork done, maybe some synskin cheek and neck grafts. The new alloy implants have a lifetime guarantee. Very tired now. I am going to take my nutri-drink and top up my lithium juice intake to the Recommended Minimum Level. That at least should calm me down and help me to relax.

This is Eco Sky signing off.

Praise to Agrichem. Praise to the Assembly. Praise to the UGA.



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